Here's the video for Cave Freaks, by Bl00D F1R3. Feel free to rate it 5/5 and comment about how theres too much interlocking. I honestly don't have any idea what Shock was doing with his voice. Whatever, it sounds epic. The gameplay is from my perspective, watch it and study it noobs! And watch the video! COMMENT AND RATE HERE
I saw this and it was nice to see what happens when you reach the end because I never made it. That was a cool effect that Shock Theta did with his voice. How'd he do that?
I never knew Shock Theta sounded like that. After playing Cave Freaks I found it very disappointing. It was over hyped so it didn't seem as good as it was made out to be. Then again I sort of don't like Halo 3 any more....
Shock's voice was the best part. It's gotta be some sort of audio program that reads text, but in a schmexy British accent. Nice touch with the 'Danger Zone' song, Bl00D. The real Shock Theta.. apparently... Anyway, nice vid, damn insane and his skills at stuff and things...