Loading is going to be a problem. A big problem. Plus, with so many available options, taking an option might cause the game to freeze. Oblivion did that.
I'm going to get this game. Even with all the things that were not included in the original and/or Lost Chapters, the game was still phenomenal. I am excited for Fable 2, because even if they improve just a few things from the original, it is still going to be a great experience.
I think they have improved alot of things in fable 2. The fact that you can buy "any house/structure" is a big accomplishment. In fable you were only able to buy certain house, unless you didn't kill the owner of them. The new job system seems like fun as well, other than just doing quests for money.
Ya Fable 2 does kick @ss and I thought I definatley was gonna buy it but after I found out about Far Cry 2 and its map editor I said "Im buying Far Cry 2 it will be way better than Fable 2" but yet I might buy it.
Im going to rock my Xbox's socks with Fable 2! I definitely think this will be this years best game. Hands down!
I still plat the first Fable, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that would make me not get Fable II.
you f*ckin said it. i accually posted a thread like this a few hours ago i cant believe i didnt see it.
Hey guys, I just found out that along with the spartan armor, they're also putting in an energy sword lol. Original Link
I plan on getting it. I played the original so much. It was epic. My only hope for that game is that it still feels like the original fable, just with more awesome features and graphics. And that it lives up to hype. Noone even likes hype, all it leads to is dissapointment.
OMG! I can't believe they really put the energy sword from Halo in this. I wonder if they sre going to put it in the actual game? On other news...Im a MORON!!! I updated the Fable ll: pub games game and now i can't do the Fortune Tower glitch. If i was to delete the game and re-download it, will i lose my money. or will it already be updated? If yes to any or both questions, then i think i'll not delete the game. I already have 500000+ gold, i don't need anymore do I? I mean i did have a goal to make about 1 million before the game comes out, looks like i got to give it up now....
Hey guys! I just found this new vid on showing the masterchief costume and energy sword killing people in the city. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0eL8UreLQg
Nope, sorry but I actually made 470,000 without cheating. Honestly, I don't like cheating and I'm glad I don't, or else I might be screwed when Fable 2 comes out. Peter said that he put the glitch there on purpose, and whoever used it would be in for a "surprise". Link Oh, and the extra items are as follows : A card for a special hairstyle only available through pubgames, a "Deepest darkest chocolate" that's supposedly the best thing to woo someone with, a pie that fully restores your HP, 2 tattoos, 1 skill potion, 1 will potion, 1 might potion, a "Championship Pistol" which is a nice pistol that is enchanted, a "Championship Sword" which is a nice sword that is enchanted, a "Mysterious Ring" which, yet again, is also enchanted. You can also get a bed, a special coat, something to teach your dog a backflip, and a book that teaches you a strange game called "Hat,Headband,Mustache" which you can play with villagers you meet.
Damn it! Why did you tell me that! Now im scared. I figured i was going to be filty rich when the game comes out, now i have to worry about the consequence about that glitch...I bet its a lie. I think Peter M. wants us to be scared, so he is trying to cover it up by saying that there is going to be some kind of consequence when we actually play the game, well Bring it! Im ready for it!
lol he sbeing known to lie and overhype so well just wait and see 50k plus right now whatever the consequence is im sure it cant be bad i mean what if the consequence ends up being that i end up 50 k in debt or that my account is banned for yay long well then mr peter i will just simply go back to gamestop and u can shove ur game right up your _ _ _ simple as that
I can't believe you said that. Can you please elaborate on that. What exactly makes the game "boring?" I've never been bored playing that game, Ever. I played and beat that game 3 times over in one month. The game overs a lot of replayability. There's no way you can get bored...
Well what I mean by "boring" is that I don't think I would be able to sit down and play this game over again. I mean I would play it, but I would not play over and over again. I guess that is what I mean by boring. It's not one of those games I would be playing for a while.
Yeah it looks good in my opinion, Not much that special, Dead Space is also released on that day too, I'll be getting it as soon as I can. Fable 2 looks probably like a rent for me though, If it's good, Then yeah, I'll buy it. I have'nt played Fable 1 so I don't know what it's like.