Overall, probably my favourite TGIF experience. I speant the majority of my time yesterday with Shad0w Viper, Tex, Xanon and one Iv0ry Snacktacular. There wasnt too much lag, most of which was in my favourite game of the day. We played a variety of recent and classic maps. Opening with a trifecta of Cosmic maps. Very first game was One Flag on End of the Line. Then Cave Freaks Then as per usual, we played Snow Mice. I assume you can guess the well being of one Gunslinger in a few seconds. Alby's attempts to thwart the cats. Unsuccessful but amusing. Beginning our trifecta of Cosmic maps was FFA Slayer on Archeopterix. Mr. Snack did not see the assassination coming. I attempted to T-Bag afterwards but Shad0w and his Rockets had different plans. Next was Team Slayer on Elation. It was myself, Toochie, Drawingman and Xanon against Iv0ry, Shad0w, Sqork and Albyhouse... we lost We somehow weren't able to capitloize on our opportunity to have two Ghosts. Up next was One Flag on Kentucky Tango. Same teams, end result was a tie. Yet another picture of a Snacktacular death. The incineration of Iv0ry Snak3 by Drawingman. Next was a few rounds Tremors. Xanon was remarkable yet he always fell short. We lol'd. Next was originally 2v4 but ended up as 3v4 Team Slayer on Overflow. I was apart of the 3, and played a major roll in our winning with my 6 kills. Again in this game, both Xanon and Shad0w were awesome. Up next was some MLG, if you'd always like to find out how much I suck; place me in some MLG. Needs more interlocking. Team Slayer, actually I think it was Multi Team, on Troika. Unfortuneately I was in the bathroom for the majority of this and missed out on most of the game. What followed was my favourite game of TGIF. Dont hate on Project X. It is much more fun and easy to shoot Shad0w's dead body rather than his alive one. Yes. I am proud, lol. Peasant Hunt on Vicious Vice's recent map, forgotten crypt. The narrower hall ways added an interesting concept to gameplay. Iv0ry and myself are excellent at coordination. We crab-walked, single file throughout the map for most of the round. We were killed as it ended so, we were successful. Soon later was the original Cat & Mouse. A real classic. Tex's corpse was in the classic mood. I'm not the best at Duck Hunt but I still love it nonetheless. Shad0w as he was throughout all of the day was great. Convoy Tunnel followed. I used some of my techniques in this one. Immaturity at its finest. Hotpokkaminny planned on rushing his way to the end, he failed. T-Bagging is an artfrom. My techniques: Driving the Tank backwards! Next was a long yet very, very enjoyable game of Guy Love. My goal was to reach 100 before the game ends. I did so. I also planned, more so towards the end, to beat Dom. I did not. An absolute classic. Stay on the swings. I hadn't played it with over 5 people before, so this was great fun. One of my last games, another round of Peasant Hunt. Damn straight, I was the only person of the day to kill the Minotaur. I was walking and JAY walked in front of me. Twas a good moment. Well, that's my TGIF recap. Overall it was an awesome day. I really look forward to 17. Thanks to those few who I speant the day with, Iv0ry Snak3, Tex, Shad0w Viper and Xanon.
That's a sexy write-up Linou. You should definitely have included the lot of people on Convoy Tunnel tea-bagging an individual corpse...I can't remember names of people, but I remember one person getting tea-bagged by like 5 zombies, lmfao Good stuff...good stuff...
I was planning to but when I had the camera positioned and was fast forwarding his head and my... areas, were together. Hotpokkaminny failed in his attempts to rush the finish.
Man i wish i could be in one of these.These look like fun could i like reserve my spot for the next one.
Man, wish i woulda stayed for the rest of it. and his name isnt xanon, its Chanon Ask Ivory if you dont believe me
good job in showing the maps that were played. For some reason I can't get a feel for the games from the videos when I'm not able to attend, so this is very helpful. NEEEDZ MOAR INTERLOCKINGZ
Wow, only 6 posts commenting on one of the best well written thread not by a journalist. Nice job on a great post with all the pictures of the games that you played. I wish I could've joined in on this TGIF but of course just like last time, I couldn't join any really fun party's and all of the one's that I wanted to join the game was full. So then I decided to play mercenaries 2 since I was bored and it was a new game that I bought. But anyway time to get back on topic. After seeing Linubidix's Awesome epic fun time party. I think I am really going to try to have fun and join the next TGIF party. I need to join some well known members and that's the party I should join since that's the best kind of fun. Once again nice job on this thread. Because now it makes me want to join the next TGIF event.
I wasnt hosting a party, I was just with the hosts for the most part of the day. and there is only one 'I' in his name.
Okay, so it's decied. My next one shall have less interlocking because it gives it that nice feel, moar of the Big D and much more Snacktacular deaths, then it shall be the sex.
Silly boy, on Vice's map I killed the minotaur (hotpokkaminny(Luca)) within 5 seconds of the game starting.
That's not the same TGIF I remember being a part of. lawlz jk. I'll do my own recap like normal once I get the time to (which should be later)- we had a lot of fun IMO.
This was last time's TGIF recap. I just finished taking the screens for Yesterday's. I'll try and have my TGIF 17 Recap Thread up by tomorrow at the latest.