Velocity V2 Velocity V1 + V2 Velocity Velocity V2 Edit: As you can see in the link above, I have brought out a version 2, you can see what I have changed about the original in the information below the description. Description: Firstoff, this map was supposed to be a teamslayer map, and it wasn't meant to be enclosed, instead to be using all of Foundry. That sentence just shows how much things change in the course of this map. I started making this map with a friend. We both built bases on either side of Foundry, however, we soon found that are bases took up way too much cash for them to both be there and so we both saved it, then he went off and and deleted my base to further expand his. And I did exactly the same. Some time afterwards (Because I did this map in bits) my friend gave up on his and started forging a completely different map. Anyways, I continued, slowly expanding the base until it went all the way to the half way line of foundry, that's when I realised I needed another base for the map. So while I was thinking about how to build another base, I looked on Forgehub and noticed alot of maps use bridges in some areas to make it look nice. So, I thought I'd make the opposite base with bridges behind it, giving it a bit of a wooden highlight. Then, I carried on with the bridges at the bak and switched to boxes, then blocking off Foundry on the left of the first base, and to make it look nice, I put stairs on top of the boxes and merged them together neatly. (I will notify you of a challenge a bit later in this post.) Once I finished the bases, as brilliantly merged as they are =P. I set the map up for all gametypes, then added in a few litte edits. After this, I added weapons and equipment and some small add-ons to the scenery, like the two trucks you will see in the screenshots and some barrels to make it look pretty. (lol) I then realised that I'd ran out of money, so I decided to get some of my reliable friends in to map test it. They all thought it was a great piece of work and that it was really good to play on. (One of them especially loved how I'd made the flags hang sideways off of the walls in both bases.) All of this map took roughly 10 hours to make and test I would especially like to thank my friends for the support and for talking to me while i was forging, so, thanks guys. You were all great helps. Version 2 Info- -I have added more to the wall on the left of base one to stop people from getting out. (If you manage it, please tell me how you did so.) -I have added a Covenant Carbine (45 seconds, 2 clips) -I have added a new challenge (See first challenge for details.) -I have gotten rid of the four weeapon holders on top of the barriers in base 2 -I have moved one of the assault rifles to the middle of base one, leaning against one of the double boxes. -I have Not Taken Blooddudes pet out, for those who still want to see it. That is all for the editions for the moment, but if you still have any comments or ideas that you think may help the map, go ahead and post it. Thankyou. Moving on to the weapons, Equipment, Vehicles and Gametypes. Here are the lists of what I have just mentioned above... -Weapons- 8 BRs- 30 seconds 2 AR's- 45 seconds 3 Snipers- One 60 seconds and Two 45 Seconds 2 Shotguns- 60 Seconds 4 Spikers- 45 seconds 1 Magnum- 30 seconds 1 Bruteshot- 60 seconds 1 Covenant Carbine- 45 seconds (New) -Equipment- 1 Energy Drain- 45 seconds 1 Bubble Shield- 45 seconds 1 Deployable Cover- 45 seconds 5 Plasma Nades- 10 seconds 4 Spike Nades- 10 seconds 2 Frags- 10 seconds 2 Firebombs- 20 seconds -Vehicles- 1 Mongoose- 60 seconds -Gametypes Supported- There really isn't any point in me listing the gametypes, because it does pretty much all of them, apart from any assymetrical but FFA. It doesn't play assymetric games well because of the symetry settings I had to put on spawns because I wanted it to play Free-For-All as well as teamslayer and multiflag and so on. So I advise you not to go on One Flag/Bomb ect ect. This map took me roughly 10 hours to make, including making and testing and I really hope you enjoy it as me and my friends have. Now, I come to the last bit of the post, and that is the pictures, so, without further ado, here they are... -The First Base I Built -The Second Base -The Sniper Tower -Inside Of The First Base -Inside Of Base Two -Back Stairs Into The First Base (With barrels underneath I might add) -The Improved Wall And that's it for the pictures...well, almost, If you read the first few paragraphs you would know that I'd promised a challenge. Now, this challenge is to find Blooddude's secret pet, pictured below. To find this pet of his, you will have to get out of the map. Now, you could just use forge, but, wheres the fun in that, so I'm trusting you not to. It's even more fun to try getting out of the map on FFA, for obvious reasons. I am not telling you any of the ways to get out the map, but, when you get out of the map In Custom Games, I want you to message me telling me how you did it (only if you want to) Because I would quite like to know how you did it. Challenge one status- [COMPLETED] Challenge Two- Now, Because challenge one doesn't really exist anymore in V2, I have added a new one, this is-to find the hidden soccer ball. Yes, that's right, there is a hidden soccer ball somewhere inside/ outside the map, and it is up to you to find it. When you have found it (In custom games) I want you to take a screenshot or tell me where it is by sending me a message either here,, or on the xbox. Challenge two status- [Incomplete] For more information on the story of Blooddude and his pet, look on the map post on that the link at the top takes you to. Now, here's the picture of the pet stairs- Incase you missed the links at the top, here it is again for you- Velocity Velocity V2 Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy and rate the map, Hazza412
First thing first...OMG another Hazza! Anyway... The thing I love about this map are the bases. They are so unlike many, symmetrical ones I have seen recently and yet, they still have a firm shape. Circular-ish, not boxed. On the plus side, you haven't overdone it with the interlocking, so it looks great. On the inside of the base, you have left it relatively open but not too much. The trucks and barrels laid out look very effective. The barriers and walls in/on the boxes look like they do their job well. However, I suggest removing the weapon holders on many of the barriers and the one fusion coil (see picture 4 on the left). They make your map look a little strange and we don't want that on such a good map would we? Most of the fence walls make creat a smooth transaction to the (slightly) upper levels which is good for gameplay. The fence in picture 3, on the right looks a little menacing to me. Also, the sniper towers(s) don't look to covered and overpowering so good work on that. If you ever decide to make a V2, please consider some of the points I have added. But to be honest, I don't see any real flaws. Maybe add a bit of geo-merging, it normally seems to add effect to a map. That is if you don't have any, it's just I can't see any. As for the pet stairs, I have no idea - Nevertheless around a 4.5/5 from me. Sorry, I'm not going to round it up! EDIT: I read up on the Blooddude story. Kind of random but nice of you to add his 'pet' into your screenshots. I have no idea how he got it in the corridor without geo-merging!
Thanks for the big comment Hazza, I don't like it when people don't explain why they rated it what they did and just say 'very good' and leave. And, I might make a V2, only problem is I have nul dollars left to forge anything else. I guess I could get rid of the weapon holders on top of the barriers, however, you probably didn't notice that on top of the weapon holder on the fusion coil holds the deployable cover, I think that adds a bit of risk to grabbing it. As for the stairs in the corridor, well, let's just say blooddude's a miracle worker. =] We'v learnt that it's really easy merging stairs into things if your not host, you just have to keep working on pushing it. Maybe sometime me and him could show you.
Maybe...I've heard of that. You're right about the deployable cover on the fusion coil, I completely missed that. By the way if you have no money left, I have a solution. You could download the Money Glitch V2. It will take amples of time to re-do the map but it may benefit it the fact of more resources and you could add features here and there. Good luck with it anyway, I'm counting on my young Hazza, lolz. That is if you are younger than me though...(I'm only 14)
Hey, this looks great aesthetically, I can't wait to get a game on it! It's nice to see a fantastic looking map from a newer user, we could use fresh blood on ForgeHub. I've spent you a private message concerning a few details I have with your map, I'd be more than grateful for a response.
First- Hazza, no, I am younger than you, I'm 13, and, to be honest, I really don't want to have to redo the entire map, lol. Besides, I still need to post my other map onto the Hub before I go back on. (If you want a peak at it it's called MLG Arrowhead, it's on bungie but not on here....yet.) IdiotNinja- No, this is by far by first map, I have about 80 on my xbox that are all made by me, and very few that others have made. =] Apart from decent ones that is. Aswell as maps I also experiment with triggers and stuff sometimes. (If you want a look at some send me a friend request on here. I may have to build them, because I don't usually save them.) If you want a look at another map that's on forgehub it's in my signature.
Pretty cool map man. theres only a couple things i dont like... one those stairs ar probaly hard to go up. and (not really anything bad) parts are a little sloppy bu over all 4/5. And can you check out my maps.
Forgy Bob, what stairs do you mean, because if you mean the ones next to the fence box bit then it's not hard to go up, if I remember rightly, there isn't even a bump. But thanks for the comment anyways. Yes, Idiotninja, I did get your PM.
this looks really good i like the steps but i would have made them out of something else... nice map tho... um... i think u shiould take the back hallway out its too open tho im sure u would have to change a lot of the layout to do that... this is nice tho... i think u sould starighten some things out... but alot of the interlocking is perfect and such... nice map... and keep making them i wasnt to see what u can do nice map...4.9/5
Thanks for the good rating, but, just a small thing, that back corridor isn't actually in the map, that's just an extra thing I added in so that I could put a challenge into. I will soon be blocking the entire map off using the information from the people who have gotten out. Just thought you might want to know =]