DYNAMIC DEATH DOWNLOAD DYNAMIC DEATH HERE DOWNLOAD WAGING WAR HERE Ok this is my 4th map on forgehub and i think so far this is one is the best. Ive been using peoples tips to geomerge and interlock more and i came up with this. This is a map where staying together is essential otherwise you will be picked off one by one. The weapon list: 1 assault rifle 3 BRS 1 shotgun 1 sniper 1 smg 2 spikers 2 magnums 1 plasma pistol 2 plasma rifles 1 needler 1 brute shot 1 rocket launcher 1 carbine 2 maulers 1 fuel rod gun 1 setinel beam 2 machine gun turrets Ok here are the screenshots(the descriptions are under each pic). 1 part of the map another part of the map and the safehouse which has a closable door Im sorry for the lack of screenshots but i could not think of what i could take them on. Well i hope you like this map thanks bye.
Seems like a fun airy map. I like these kind of maps because they give you room to use your Battle Rifle. I like the interlocking but there are parts of te map that can be cleaned up a little better with some geomerging or interlocking. Good Job I like this, I wonder what the map would play like if it was played with CTF
thankyou for this great comment. I have recently tested this map out my friends said they loved it so i posted it here. also i have not set it up for ctf but thats what i could do for a version 2. Also I didnt have enough budget for blocking the foundry bases off
looks pretty good, but i dont think that there is that much of good equipment places. It looks like the gameplay will be good, but i also think that you should have blocked off those foundry bases, it leaves a huge open spot
Decent job, I like most everything. I think you could have interlocked and geomerged a bit more. I also see an excess of power weapons and some sloppiness. It is also too open in some spots, which is not good! The aesthetics aren't amazing but the map doesn't look bad... I am not blown away by this map but it does look very enjoyable, I think I will dl. If you geomerge, interlock, and add some great aesthetic touches this map would be much much better. Keep improving this map and keep making other maps in the future. You have talent but you need to practice a little more and learn all the advanced forging techniques. Good luck =)
Those bridges just made me go 'Wow.' They just look really good to me, nice, nice. The map in it's entity is very agreeable and looks excellent for those long range BR battles, as previously mentioned. The only quarrel that I find with this map is the safe-house. I cant tell much from the picture, but in general safe-houses are bad ideas. But, like I said I don't know enough about it, like if there is more than one entrance or anything like that so I "EDIT:don't" commit fully to this cynicism. Nice.
Thankyou you all for these awsome comments and if any of you would like to forge with me in the future send a friend request to deathshadow41