just added this to my magic: the gathering series sig thread. what do you think? i wanted it to be plain by the way
Its not really the people making the threads fault. Its the community in general. People just like to look at sigs, they are easier to comment on, short, and strait to the point. Photo manipulation, Wallpapers, tuts, and other things require time, may it be as simple as reading why the person made the wallpaper, or a more time consuming task, clicking on lall the links provided on a photo manipulation thread [by links, i mean the links to the images used.] Most times, when someone posts a thread about a sig, especially the lazier, more dimwitted people, the usually just say either "CnCplox" or "IMO MY BEST SO F4R". I think, if people who posted the links to the images/renders used, the tutorial they used, or maybe something even as simple as the font, or bg they used, it would make sig threads feel less like spam. Also, i highly suggest people start making "Galleries", yup, some people of FH don't even know what that is. And whenever you make a new sig, simply post saying, new sig, with some of the other simple things i suggested. Reynbow is a perfect example of a smart sig maker. Back when i first joined, his thread was packed, want to know why, because it was a gallery. So, in a nut shell, if your gonna post a sig, make a gallery, saying you will post the rest of your sigs in the future to come. I apologize for this mini-essay, but people just need to hear this. KK, I really like your new style, although it differs between sigs, they all turn out look unique, yet they all flow incredibly well together. I also like your thread you got going on, hope more people follow in your footsteps. The only problem with the sig is the text. Don't get me wrong the "font" is great, and goes with, bt its far too large, and in an akward, kinda stand-outish place. Maybe lower the size, and move it to the middle a little bit more. Or maybe switch it to the right site. LOCKdownN
It is, as stated, rather plain. I really hate the text's smudging, it makes it harder to read and looks bad. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you were practicing smudging on this one..? Overall looks good but the left side is one sold color, which looks kinda icky. CnC xD
Thank you for saying exactly my thoughts. I'd give you +rep, but you dun have rep so instead you get an e-high five. o/ Thank you.
Your rep still effects him in some ways. He can re-activate his rep at anytime. So now, he would have like a couple bright bars or something. As for Reaper's, the smudging and overall effects are pretty good, but the color needs to be desaturated a bit. It's a little too blue and orange currently. And the thing by his hair is extremely distracting. On a different note, I think you should try some new styles, your current is getting quite repetitive, and it causes me to lose interest in them.
Not bad. I like ur BG but you need to integrate link into it more. He looks out of place. Maybe some roughening and darkening will do it. Good job. What do you guys think of my homemade avatar?
Avatar or sig? If it is avatar, DANG!!! That is really impressive! It looks EXACTLY like the GoW emblem!
ok this is why i prefer to make my own thread instead of posting here, my sig didnt get one comment because it moves too fast with other peo[ples comments and sigs. if someone could please go back a page and look at my sig and comment that wud be nice (it the black one with the dragon)
I like the colors I dont like the sprite, again though. The part of the text that's too close to the middle cant be read that well... That reminds me of Firefox, it's pretty cool. Too monotone though...get some more colors in there. I think this is one of the best ones you've done so far, even though the render is weird as fark...but yeah, the background is cool, I like it. Text is too small, and I hate having to squint to read it...it would've looked better if it was a little bird darker, or on the darker part of the sig. Render is weird, he looks like he has lip-gloss, or something. Weird background... The render, although I'm not such a fan of Zelda, is of really good quality. Dont be afraid to use it for further sigs you make too. What's up with all these weird renders?!? Well, the background is okay. Font, imo sucks. The white pat is kinda bland... doesnt go along with the piece too well.
LOL, mine was requested. edit: kninja, I really love all the renders/stocks your using, they all seem to fit your style perfectly, and the smudging is nothing short of spectacular on all of them yeah I like this one!
i like the right side above and around the text, and the way the render is placed. Everything else is decent.
I think it may be one of my best. I'm starting to get a little better. Anything I should fix? Add lighting or something?
NOTE:First time CnC'ing and a beginner at sigs so don't reall consider my CnCing great. I love the text work and colors.Just it seems a little to low def and to animized.I really don't know what to say besides 4/5.
Yeah, it was a cartoon at first, so I delved deeper into that style. Keep cnc'ing Playa. All help is appreciated =) How is it with lighting. A little less lighting?