I have been commanded by His Great Creator of Lolness to attempt to recapture the blurry memories of the last TGIF in the form of pictures. I got a bit carried away with myself, so the second half will be posted sometime tomorrow. On to the lolness: Games 1-5: Tremors About to Fail... FAIL. Blue team scores, giving them the winning score of 3-2 against the Tremors for the night. One of these days... Teamwork- We haz it. Game Six: Cat & Mouse Do a barrel roll. I could have sworn that I heard something... Keep your enemy right under your nose... ...unless your enemy is a giant, purple monstrosity that hurls giant blobs of plasma that explode with enough force to destroy a tank. Then you drive the hell away. Oh crap oh crap oh crap of- BLAM. Game 7-8: Peasant Hunt Insane, once again, goes the wrong way. What wall? When running from the Minotaur, keep the Insane principle in mind: Insane is 4 to 5 times more likely to get killed than you, so follow him until he dies, and then run in the opposite direction. "God, I hope he doesn't find us. He'd get a Kiltac off us all." Aftermath. The Hallway of Safety... ...otherwise known as the Corridor of Death.
We always do these... Tremors, then Cat and Mouse, and then the order for the others change, but usually include Peasant Hunt, Clay Shooting, and perhaps Cave Freaks. EDIT: Part II Game Nine: Cave Freaks Follow the VIP! Beware... Kami and Insane take a moment to look awesome as hell. Let the bodies hit the floor. Despite the pure, unadulterated awesomeness of this picture, the VIP shown was assassinated about 1.2 seconds after this picture was taken. Game Ten: Convoy Ambush Roll out. Needs moar tanks. "Tank beats EVERYTHING!" Game Eleven: Clay Shooting It's raining ye- no, I'm not going near that. Kill that ONE duck! The Sitting Ducks have a quiet moment to contemplate their inevitable demise. Occupational hazards. Game Twelve: Purple Monsters Hold them back! Is there something on my face? Fail. Game Thirteen: Picture Time Everyone takes a break from killing to take a nice picture together. Game Fourteen: Snow Mice "Sorry Texan!" -Insane Get off! Shove. Insane does his best E.T. impression.
Nice pics man! One thing though, what is convoy tunnel? We played it with vicious but everyone got black screen. It seems pretty fun though. I love that purple monsters pic with the bunch of needles!
Basically, you have to get though a ton of object sin your way so that you can get to the end of the tunnel and hold out against the zombies... It's pretty fun when you have a mature party.
no uncle borat that was me in the corner of confidence! and i even said that if he finds us he'll get a killtacular, lolz. i was in that teamwork one too, i got spalltered D=
>_< supersad face on the group photo im severed off on the right side of it. Only my arm is shown... The games were fun though