Ludia Made by Jess and Hells Gears Weirder Supported Gametypes : All Description This place used to be an old sewage plant. Now it has been worned and is now a Spartan Training Factory...4-10 players... : Download : Now for the pictures : Blue Base Plasma Pistol Spawn Shotgun Spawn Catwalk Red Base Rocket Spawn Blue Base Crack From Fenced Wall ACTION N00bed Eva Sketch : Link to Preview : Here! : Download : (Just in case ya mist it) Enjoy, This is also my Template Contest Entry! Also tell me if something is wrong!
nice interlocking, and the layout looks good. i like the fence walls even though they are from the map template contest, but over all it looks like you finished off the piece well. not quite sure about the barriers, but i guess thats just cuz im not a perticular fan of them standing. cant tell the gameplay from the pictures, but ill report back if i get a match on it.
First off, good map. I wish I understood the name, but that's cool. The geomerging is pretty good, and the interlocking looks seamless. On to my gripes. Don't get me wrong, I do like your map, but it is incredibly open, and the occasional barriers or dumpsters don't really help this feel as, while you can hide behind them, you can't shoot over them. Another aspect that detracts from the map is that the terrain doesn't vary much at all. It is almost entirely flat, with the occasional rectangular structure. Were it to have a ramp, hill, gradient, low wall, or some other formation, it wouldn't feel so opressively barren. (*) (*) (*) (*) ( ) 4/5 (Also, there's not much in the way of a description. Might want to rectify that.)
i cant see any visible changes to bloodfires template the interlocking is good, so is the geomerging the map has a good flow to is and is clean looking i really like the use of dumpsters and barriers to fill up the space
Still, I like the whole layout. The barriers and dumpsters make a good touch, and are simple yet effective.
Nice map!.This is one of the best template contest entrys i've seen The geomerging is very nice,the interlocking is smooth.When i first saw this map i thought it was a regular map but its actually part of the contest! That just tells you that the map is good enough that people won't tell its part of a contest!
Wow. Very good! I like the geomerging and interlocking. It seems a LITTLE open. But I like everything else. Though some how looks small tooo...4.5/5. I love it, DL.
kool map jess. i really like the area where the invisibility is. the map looks very appealing to the eye, and i like your interlocking and you did a great job with geomerging. overall 4.5/5! ps:ima have to check it out and get back to you.