This is my newest map to Forgehub. Its meant 6v6 asymmetrical gametypes. One Bomb, One Flag, One Sided VIP, and Team Slayer work best. In this map I used interlocking and geomerging. :O. Yes, I know, shocker. This is my entry to bl00d f1R3's Template contest week 3. Weapons: 4 ARs 8 BRs 3 Shotguns 1 Sniper Rifle 2 SMGs 2 Spikers 2 Magnums 1 Plasma Pistol 2 Plasma Rifles 1 Needler 2 Brute Shots 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Spartan Laser 1 Energy Sword 1 Mauler 1 Beam Rifle 2 MGT Equipment: 6 Frag Grenades 8 Plasma Grenades 1 Bubble Shield 1 Power Drain 1 Trip Mine 1 Regenerator Vehicles: 3 Mongooses 1 Warthog Gauss 1 Ghost 1 Chopper Pictures Link to DL: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Enjoy!
it seems awfully simple i mean there is geomerging and interlocking that much is there , but the map seems to simple all around. i don't think many people will like it but i will be fair and give it a shot.
if i am correct this is an entry in B100D F1R3's template contest, seeeing onther maps entered and the origional template, yu have aded just about nothing the middel is greatly lacking, and those wall corner astetics/cover has been over used many times
It looks pretty empty and really nothing that makes the map stand out. Some things that i would do is put more cover in the middle and around the map. The map looks really plain and excuse me for saying this but... boring. I really like the interlocked and geomerged corners walls though. Another thing is to make something that really makes the map stand out. Like for example the "ribs" on ribcage or some cool geomerging. Those are the things that I suggest to make the map better. But it looks pretty good anyways.
This map looks ok compared to the others in the contest.Like the others have said,add more cover around the map and it'll be pretty nice.The good thing is that you gave the contest a try and thats what counts.Good job there. 4/5
well it looks like your very good a forge but didn't really place that much things of interest it is a way to open map all i can say is add more structures and more cover
Ok, first, the map needs more cover, all the pics beside the third one look very empty. Secondly, a rocket and a sword next to each other, not too good.