2-10 players FREE-FOR-ALL 2 Turrets 1 Rocket 1 Sniper 1 Battle Rifle 1 Carbine 1 Overshield 1 Invisibility DOWNLOAD http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=51251077
WOW! AWESOME MAP! The pictures are very nice looking because I can actually see them though they are about 100 by 100 pixels! First off, ALWAYS embed your pictures, that's a rule and all the infractions you received does not make me wonder whether or not you've read the rules, clearly you haven't. Find a tutorial on how to embed pictures so you can fix them. Second off, make a longer description. Don't just mention the weapons on the map. Lastly, quit messing up the forums! Please...
can't relly tell much from the pics but, ther isnt much weapons.... espacialy if it is up to ten people. there are only 4 weapons (not counting turrets)
Very nice map although I have to squint my eyes to look at the pics, did you have them embeded, because this could really help. Looks good, I can see interlocking
Let this failure of satirical cynicism be an example of how not to deal with people who are new to the action of posting maps. If you will, go to the main topic listing for the Competitive Maps section and there will be a pinned topic right at the top. This topic will explain in detail the steps and procedures of posting your map in a clean and beneficial way for everyone.
hey jus so u kno 2 get ur pics bigger use photobucket and to use the image on photo bucket copy the image code
Yo, I was new here and I knew how to post a map properly. It's called READING and BEING ABLE TO COMPREHEND basic vocabulary words. He/She didn't read the rules AFTER getting banned? Um hell-o? Obviously this kid is lazy. He/she has another 17 hours until I report the post.