Senseless, but proof: And if I am able to do this in 20 minutes, du you believe me now that I could do the others during 4 months?
Shouldn't this be in the video's section? Even if it is based on Arts & Graphics. That is if your video showed up... You might want to fix that
The video is him showing us that his method of making art is legit. Therefore this is the correct spot as it is completely related. Amazing other pics man. Question: are the fiction or non-fiction? Meaning, did you look at a picture of master chief (or even better the scenery) and draw it as if you were drawing a model? Or are they scenes and images from your head?
well ive beleived u the whole time i just couldnt tell u that... license plate is the problem for that but i honestly cant tell what it is...mind explaining
I believed you the whole time, but for the people who doubted you; THIS IS TRUE PROOF! And, also, what exactly is it supposed to be?
I was JUST thinking the same thing XD anyways, not very good, but for 20 mins, better than what I can do in photoshop I usually photoshop for around a day, im not very fast at all
You... are a Paint god! I couldn't draw a decent stick figure with the dammed program. In 20 minutes, you were able to create a random mystery object. I applaud you for that. Excuse my ignorance, but what the hell is it? A popcorn bag? A glitch in the matrix of time?
Scenery: real pic others: half real, half fiction And what is it... I dont know, too. I just played around with shading and colors. modern art lotl
OH! IT ONLY COMES UP IN THE NEW LAYOUT! I will change and edit this post when I've seen it, lolz! EDIT: I have to salute you for this. For MS Paint that is amazing - especially in 20 minutes. I don't mind modern art unless its completely rubbish. Yours sir, is not XD. Amazing what you can do if you put your mind towards it! Oh by the way I'm sorry for the first comment I posted, I was using Oldskool. (+ rep for you)
I don´t know too... I just wanted to create something that looks round with good shading, but then my computer had a problem and made this white line through it... Un-do not possible somehow... So I drew the white stuff, the shading... The it looked boring, so I made the blue part and these lines. And to have a good contrast, I made this not-round object... (Me, the German guy, does not know what eckig means) So, interpret it, I really don't know what it is... SIGNS!