Hello everyone. I just signed up with this site because it sounded very interesting and lately I have been wanting to play forge maps a lot. I don't chat much though with people in regular games to add them to my list to meet up for forge maps so I figure I would try this. I rather not adding 100 ppl to my friends list that I don't know or making a map and inviting a bunch of random people. So hopefully joining on here will lead me to play some fun forge maps. I been browsing around looking at what maps there has been made and it looks like a lot of fun. My gamer tag is TG kolz4ever (yes with a space in the name). I am interested in joing cool people that just enjoy playing some halo 3, not a bunch of 13 yr olds taking a game serious. Hope to play with you guys soon.
Hi! Welcome to ForgeHub, and while I'm sure you don't want to hear this; make sure you read the rules before posting. I almost got banned for that. I hope everyone here treats you with the same respect as you treat them, and then we can all get along!
Yeah, I always check the rules, although they are mostly the same every where. But yeah, I always treat people the same way they act. ^_^ Thanks, I am hoping to play some bad ass custom maps due to this web site. I have seen some very interesting designs so I am hoping to join people due to this site.