[SIZE=+2]Blackout Project[/SIZE] falling off wont help you now this map is a survival map no guns expect your buddy's and yours the map can be used with most zombie game type's the map is a multi level map inspired by a map called fall out the below section has many ways to run for your life and holes to fall off so be careful the zombies can jump down and get you unaware so u might just get more ammo from your friends if that happens there are at least 10 spots to hide now for the pics the below run the side path a safe haven? the river below? map Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing game type: any infection recommended: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing thank you for reading
it is hard doing the floaty glitch but ill try next time i cant ever seem to get the nack of placing them even :C
I know it's hard to float objects, but you just need to understand to be patient with your map. Next time try to spend more time on making everything neat, but other then that the map looks good. I like the doors for quick jumps.
you should place a bridge over the already-floating thing about halfway on, and use it to make the other even
The trick is to float objects above/below the place you need an evenly merged floating object. Use other boxes as a guide for placing your actual box, then delete the guidebox.