Take a Bumpy Ride through the Icey Slopes of the Matterhorn! This race track is all about riding the rollercoaster of a lifetime! -Background Info- This race track was created and designed by AnF Ryan to look almost exactly like the ride, Matterhorn Mountain at Disneyland California, but with a twist! This track is extremely difficult! This track is by far the hardest track that I have ever created, BUT, it is do-able! This track calls for the best riders to take the challenge and make it down the mountain in one peice! -Design Qualities- This race tracks uses, AnF Ryan's Space Mountain Concept ©. This track has alot of accent and scenery to it including, a mountain, a cave, a waterfall and river, a wooded bridge, support beams, the loading dock, the station, and the underpass! -Game Types- The main gametype for my race tracks and my clan AnF's race tracks is called, AnF Racing! This gametype includes 10 points to win with 10 second intervals. I am not much of a lap person so each of my tracks has 3 go-to points, so the games are pretty much battle racing! Download AnF Racing! http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=50117206 -The Track- Download the Map, Matterhorn!http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=53954859 -Pictures- These first 2 pictures include the station and the top of the mountain! The first long turn and the road to the cave!The entrance to the cave and the inside of the cave with the Velo Beam!The exit of the cave and the waterfall!The underpass and the dock!The wooden bridge over the water and the return pass! -The Video- Matterhorn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4JHY9v1Doo -The Track- Download the Map, Matterhorn! http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=53954859 Watch the video for an exclusive contest! Created by: AnF Ryan
This actually looks awesome! It feels like a outside map, but inside! The caves, tunnels, and all the other little aesthetically pleasing things make this map look even better. I don't know how much work went into this, but it looks astounding. 5/5. Nice job.
That's the first time that I've seen a race map use scenery to add a certain feel. Usually, they just have a track, and that's it. With this, it's nice to see all of the scenery that makes up the mountain. I think that the mountain itself, though, could have been made more neatly.
It looks like Tons of work went into this, and it does look really Hard! To bad its not a Rollercoaster like at DL, but it resembles it a lot! 5/5, Ascetics are great for a racetrack, and the track itself is made of win!
You know, i had FUUUULLL intentions to make an awesome looking mountian, but wouldn't you know, i RAN out OF boxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW this is sweet it looks nice use of the boxes : ] 5/5 ofcourse it could be neater but its neat enough to race on hopefully
Dude. One word....WOW! I have never seen a race map that had as much aesthetics and as much feeling(as Nemi said) on this race track. The things that I really liked is the waterfall and the tunnels. I would have never thought about doing that! So I applaud you for actually having a creative spin on the map and is worth download. Great Job!
NICE SONG IN THE VID! THE OFFSPRING ROCK! anyway, on to the map. as far as i'm concerned, this is flat out one of the greatest racing tracks i have ever seen. the theme is awesome, the track is flawless, and there are minute details that make it even more amazing
great forging but this map is physically impossible to complete. Me(a deadguineapig)x DREAM 76 x, oO SliK Oo, and HT konakid904 played it and none of us could complete the first turn and it was because it was too steep.
hey if you can't do it, its not my fault lol, i can do it just perfectly! Watch the vid if you dont believe me, i can also do it with a person on the back lol. no complaints lol it was made to be hard not just some easy thing that gets boring, you have to work at it!
Nice job it looks like a long and solid racetrack that is a smooth ride and the turns are wide and easyer than most to get by.
Wow! This looks like fun! I like the feel of the track with the aesthetics. I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into crating this map. Nice work! 5/5
I love your maps as they are not only inspiring, but very fun to race on. This particular map however, simply was not fun. The bank was too long, the hill too steep, and very difficult to complete without a vast prior knowledge of the track. I'm sure u can do it, but what matters is that the public can, otherwise, what's the point?
I love the aesthetics you used in this map like the tunnel. I might also take the challenge from the video, but I'll download because it looks like a very challenging race course! Great job! 5/5 And I was wondering, what's the song in the video?
the main song is called, you're gunna go far kid, by the offspring and my theme song is called Love on my Mind but The Freemasons