A West Virginia man accused of passing gas and fanning it toward a police officer no longer faces a battery charge. The Kanawha County prosecutor's office requested that the charge be dropped against 34-year-old Jose Cruz. According to a criminal complaint, Cruz passed gas and made a fanning motion toward patrolman T.E. Parsons after being taken to the police stationbreathalyzer test. Cruz denies fanning the gas and says his request to use a restroom when first arriving at the station was denied. For a an assistant says Magistrate Jack Pauley signed a motion to dismiss the charge Thursday. Cruz, who was arrested Tuesday, still faces driving under the influence and other charges. Talk about stupid charges.... For more odd news, visit Kn1ghtly Knews
That's so dumb. So, was he arrested for anything before he farted in the cops face, or did he do it in the station?
I think that police officer was just racist because he has a hispanic name. That's always how the 5-0 are.
Ha I would have done the same thing and denied, He also used some good excused to get out of it, and Im sure he will lol. But we all know that he really purposely tried to "Fart in his Face"
Police could arrest you for showing any disrespect towards the law. It's crazy, but I also heard I guy got arrested for drunk driving in a golf cart.
thats retarted. im gonna try that one day lol. one day i was really bored so i started reading uncle jons bathroom reader, and it said that i think it was either new jersey or west virginia theres a law that u cant have more than three ice cream scoops of the same flavor on the same ice cream cone. im not making it up either it said other things about crazy laws but i forget what they were.