^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Click on picture to DL. BloodStone is a small 2v2 to 3v3 map made with the influence of one of my older maps, Power Core. Those of you who have played Power Core will immediately notice the bunker from the old map. Just for all of you who are wondering this is NOT a V2 it was built from the ground up and is completely different. I spent around 36 hours on this total. Almost everything is geomerged besides the bunkers. So now onto the more exciting portion, the weapons and screenshots . Weapons: Assault Rifle-x2, 30 sec Battle Rifle-x5, 45 sec Covenant Carbine-x2, 60 sec Beam Rifle-x1, 150 sec Mauler-x1, 180 sec, 1 spare clip SMG-x2, 45 sec Spiker-x4, 45 sec Plasma Rifle-x2, 45 sec Plasma Pistol-x2, 45 sec Magnum-x2, 30 sec Equipment: Plasma Grenades-x5, 10 sec Spike Grenades-x3, 10 sec Regenerator-x1, 180 sec Screenshots: An overview of the map. Another overview from a different angle. This is the redesigned bunker from the old map, it now has a lower level mini-bunker. This is the lower level of the bunker. This picture shows the newly added tunnel, which is good for getting into the defender's base but is designed to where you must go back around a different way with the flag. This is the neutral sniper tower. This is a picture of some pretty epic geomerging , there is a reason for this; it is for cover when going up the stairs or down them. This is a picture which shows the #8 made out of mancannons, 8 is my lucky number just thought it was a cool way to incorporate it. This is the defender's flag spawn on the underside of the roof of their bunker. Action Shots(Not Many, Sorriez): This is the effective use of the neutral sniper tower. This shows the tunnel in action as well as the aesthetics beneath it. And of coarse the creator, Me. Thanks for taking the time to go through this. I hope that you will enjoy this map. And please leave any and all feedback. LINK again in case you missed clicking on the map sig. Thanks, Ace
This map looks really cool and the geomerging was great i like the whole idea of it. there was only one thing that really got to me. some of the interlocking is a bit sloppy but i cant really tell from the pics id have to play it to actually see. but all and all it looks like a good map 4/5
I played this when I randomly joined your game! A game of Multi flag CTF was it? Ah yes, now I remember! That open double box is so perfectly geomerged I had to t-bag it even though you stole my flag. But, maybe it was just because I was new to the map, the layout was very confusing to me. The side that is not a base. I grabbed the flag, but I was so confused, I didn't know where to go. The structure by the blue base is something new because most people just use one or two barriers, but you used... a lot. Overall I think it is a great map for capture the flag, and it looks like a good free for all slayer map because it is asymetric. The "newly added tunnel" is pretty cool looking with the interlocked single boxes. Where is that "8" made out of man-cannons though? I didn't see it during gameplay, is it up high? 4.5/5 for the map because I got lost, but then again, I joined in the middle of a CTF game and I didn't know the map at all. Hope to play soon! That is one lengthy post!
Ah yes I remember the 8 is up high in the corner of foundry. And also this plays great with team slayer I found out
Woah awesome map dude. Your interlocking is very well-done. The gameplay looks smooth and the map gives you this "city" feeling and I really like city maps. Congrats on such a great map. 4.6/5
wow this looks reALLY good... nice job interlocking is everywhere and is very smooth... geo merging is nice n helps the game play im liking the weapons... i dont no bout playability yet i will try it this is DL from me nice job i can tell u put alot of time intoo this map n it is paying of nice work... i cant wat to see more post by u... keep it up
when i say the first few pics i was like WhAt ThE hEeL? this map sucks ace master but hten i saw some of the later pics and decided that it was pretty good the interlocking and geomerging isn up to snuff on your other maps, barley any astetics still looks pretty good
Haha yeah man i never saw the importance of geomerging until i got my grenades stuck under everything on one of my friend's maps lol.
might i say ace, i love how you were determined enough to remake an old map of yours. I've always thought about doing that myself, but never came too it. although, a lot of my old maps have some basic and boring layouts... anyway, from the forgethrough i did when you were showing me the map, i was very impressed. The geomerging is top notch as well as the interlocking. smoothness while walking didn't seem to be a problem at all. and as you know, i miserably failed at trying to break your map =P. and of course, what kind of friend would i be if i didn't look at your respawns and respawn zones??? lol. from my understanding, the respawns and respawn zones seemed logical, as well as your weapon placement and objective placement. Not much I can say anymore, I'll have to play the map. which I hope to do soon =D
With the exception of the Star columns, this map is quite original and nice looking. I was excited to download and play it, and it didnt fail me. Its not perfect, things like the stair merge seem like it was just done to be some sort of crazy geomerging, and doesnt hold much purpose to me, but most of the rest is sweet. Its best for objective based games id have to say. I didnt love slayer, but the objectives really stood out to me. I think you've done a nice job here. i look forward to your next project.
I like this map it's orginal and nicly merged but i think the tunnel should be farther from the base because it goes direstly to and from the flag so everything will revolve around it. also it looks a little crowded if you could open it up a little it would look neater and easyer to kill and move around. but overall really really like the map.
So, so awsome a map. It looks brilliant in every way, shape and form. Congratulations on it. I love how you have made the bunkers and the tunnel so neat and tidy. I also think it could bring some really amazing gameplay with it. I like aswell how much time and effort you'v spent on this map, and it's Really paid off. Definately a 5/5 and a DL
This is very clean i like it alot the layout is very intricit you have a lot of different ways to go it is very good
Thanks for all the great comments guys I appreciate them so much do try to give more input than this. This is considered spam I will let you off the hook this time but don't do it again.