MLG Vanquish Here is a new MLG map the i have constructed. This map is close and fast. It has been set up for MLG TS and MLG Flag(the Onslaught version flag).There is an "A" side as well as a "B" side. Both consist of a BR, a Carbine, and a couple of frags and stickies. Also on the map are 4 more BR's and a Mauler. I have tested the flag gameplay and it is really good. Very fast and a lot of killing. The goal is to reach a lot of downloads for this map because it seems to be a very good MLG map. There is interlocking and it is very smooth. "A" side base seems to bigger and more open than "B" side although "B" side has a small under part you can go through. Here are some pics of this new MLG map. Weapons: BR = 8 Carbine = 2 Mauler = 1 Frags = 10 Plasmas = 4 Blue Base Red Base A Side B Side Mid Map Inside Base Under Base Flag Action Flag Action 2 Please Comment if you do or dont like it. I was trying hard to get this just right for use in MLG. So please Comment on this map and spread the word to download. ~xLUKY
Hmm seems pretty smooth (except that bridge in the second picture). The only thing is there doesn't seem to be enough ground cover in my opinion. Other than that I'd give it four BR shots out of five.
Looks ppretty good. Just like any other MLG map. Though I like the bases in the middle. It's okay, 3.9/5 and I thing I will try.
thnx for the good comments. Yeah it is pretty smooth all around and there isnt that much ground cover in front but that map is close together so your always shooting close so it seems even
to be honest most of the mlg maps you see on foundry now look asacly like onslawt or amplified but still very good geomerge and very good interlokcing
Good Its really good you could make it a little (very little) bit cleaner. In later versions try to differ it from Ons.
Looks pretty good. It's just a shame there are so few asymmetrical MG maps. But that's not for here. I'll definitely download, but what I can see from the pictures it looks pretty smooth, and the action shots... I dunno. Appeal to me somehow anyway
the maps looks good the interlocking and geomerging look good no complants just there should be more cover