Over at Rocket Race Aficionados, our first contest is kicking off today! Learn all about it and how you can participate here.
Cool contest ill try to make a map for it but is it OK if i make my own RR gametype or do i have to use the default one?
Can we use a version with Elephants should we have a use for them? (in their default place of course) and can we make it one long line of destinations in order?
No, you must use SandTARP, and you must use either the default RR or RS gametype (which has random destination spawns)
Its a bit too steep for any real solid jumps to work anyway. Me and Vice tried it for an hour or so a couple months ago
I don't know, I've ramped a hog into the cockpit before... I believe I thought it would be a crafty way to shake the people shooting me to drive through it, and ended up on top :\
OK thanks then i know that i must have the default gametype. Started wrking on this today and i've come a long way