Everyone here has played the games. But everyone has played it differently. So, what teams did you use? Did you only use your starter for the entire game keeping him at an absurdly high level? Or did have a diverse set of Pokemon, guaranteed to be able to beat any situation? Or maybe you simply ditched all your Pokemon in favor of some ultra-powerful legendaries? All Pokeman games are valid, from the original Red and Blue to Diamond and Pearl (and Platinum, when it comes out). *Note: I've traded a lot and have a ton of games (1-2 of each version), so I currently am not sure of my original teams. I'll try to sort it all out and post them here at some point, though*
I never trained only my starter pokemon. I always caught different pokemon in the beginning and trained all of them to a certain lvl, usually higher than the first gym leader's pokemon. I always pick water pokemons as starters. Then i'll have my bro trade me the other 2 from his game. The last pokemon game i've played was sapphire and emerald. My pokemon team consisted of Swampert, Castform, Scizor, and osme others. I don't remember though. It was a long time since i've played them...
whoa, i r the best at this I guess, I was like 6 when it first came out, played it Er' day. Red... -LVL 100 Gengar. -LVL 100 Alakazam. -LVL 93 Mewtew -LVL 89 Charizard -LVL 91 Moltres -LVL 68 Articuno. Swear on my lifw
well my best one was emerald. i had a 100 kyogre a 100 blaziken and 85 raquaza and then i had others that i forget what they were i know they were up in the 70's-90's. i still cant beat diamond, for some reason its harder than the others.
Diamond: Tyranitar lv.73 Metagross lv.70 Salamence lv.78 Flygon lv.69 Slaking lv.76 Deoxys lv.100 W00t i haz teh AR coeds!
Fire Red: Level 100: Charizard Level 85: Pigeot Snorlax Rayquaza Moltress Raticate My pokemon team pwns!!! Haha wow I haven't played Pokemon in FOREVER but this is/was my team. If you didn't mod Pokemon, then you are just messed up! I modded Pokemon like a beast! I could ride my bike on water! =p
level 100 rayquaza, level 93 rayquaza level 85 gengar. level 63 charizard and some others. lol 2 rayquazas pwn
^ I played through ruby like 9 times and traded all my groudons and requaza's to emerald,then to diomand.and yes I have like 6or seven of my groudons at lv.100
OK, one of my friends might have used a gameshark to get some of these I have, but I leveled them lol. Rayquaza- legit Dragonite- legit I dunno- I go on and off a lot with lugia and suicune Arceus
Lol. I had one ringer, my Kyogre. I GS'ed it at level two and shopped around for the best stats, then I Rare Candied it with the vitamins and crap up to it's maximum stats, taught it thunderbolt, water spout, lock on, and fissure. That's about all I needed.
Pearl: Lvl 86 Infernape Lvl 86 Swampert Lvl 86 Roserade Lvl 85 Weavile Lvl 85 Magnezone Lvl 85 Drifblim GOD, Drifblims need so much god damn EXP to level up, I'm not even kidding... honestly, I don't like using Legendaries, it makes everything too easy....and I really want to replace my Swampert and Magnezone with a Bastiodon and Lanturn. I'm training a Chinchou right now...well, if you call getting a bunch of Battle Points and buying a bunch of Proteins, Calciums, Irons, etc. etc. and feeding them all to my Lvl 1 Chinchou, then, yeah, I'm training =]
i have to do this off memory, but here ya go Darkrai lv50 (legit and untouched, still has enigma berry!) Blazeiken lv100 Charizard Lv100 blastoise lv90 salemence level 60 aggron level40 all are legit and i KNOW i have darkrai
On Emerlad I have a mainly Ledgendary based party but that's boring - so here's one I use for the Battle Fronteir to mix up and sometimes the Elite 4. That's easy though. - Charizard Lv77 - Swampert Lv77 - Latios Lv77 - Aggron Lv77 - Dragonite Lv77 - Sceptile Lv72
100 Blastoise 100 Pidgeot 100 Alakazam 100 Machamp 100 Gyarados 100 Dagonite Red version. Believe it or not, I played it constantly when I was younger.