i was playing halo earlier and our conversation got in to an argument over the correct pronounciation of the plural term for mongoose. is it mongees or mongi? maybe it stays the same? if theres anyother ways that you guys think of plzz feel free to add them.
I say Mongeese, like geese. I hate it when someone says Mongooses, but I really don't hear Mongi very much.
i vote mongi lol it sounds cooler n'd flows way better... tho there is no set way... make a poll that would be good for this post nice question tho... I vote Mongi
If only Mongoose were a real word, and we could look up what the plural of it is. Oh wait. Mongoose definition |Dictionary.com 'Tis Mongooses, my friends, as silly as it sounds.
well like the kind of dog called a cockapoo. the plural word for that is cockapi, so in a way it kind of relates.
As cool as both of your words are, it is in fact mongooses. Very sad face make the world cry out its oceans.
Damn the English language for being nonsensical. goose --> geese mongoose --> mongeesegooses moose --> meesemoose ox --> oxen box --> boxenes mouse --> mice house --> hicehouses Useless.
Pretty sure it's mongooses. EDIT: Didn't read above posts. EDIT 2: Me and Nemi live in Hawaii, we know......
The English language sucks. So as stupid as it sounds, mongooses is in fact the correct spelling of the word. Screw that, I'm still going to say mongeese, and theres nothing you can do about it.
It is mongooses. It's not Mon-goose; therefore, it's not mongeese in the plural form. I'd rather say Mongeels, but hey, what the hell.
im glad were settleing this fact in a mature manner. after i made this thread i thought ppl were gonna come up with crazy names for it, lol. well except mongeels, thats funny. ima still say mongi its fun. btw what is a mongoose anyway ima too lazy to look it up lol.
In India and that general area, there are small furry mammals. These small furry mammals are Mongeels. They are lightning fast carnivores, cute and cuddly though they may appear. They often fight snakes, as shown in that STUPID CHILDREN'S STORY. They use their teeth to subdue the snake, preventing it from moving. Halo Mongeels are the exact opposite. Things blow the hoohas out of them because they haz no weapons.