City Entrance

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sinogard, Sep 25, 2008.


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  1. Sinogard

    Sinogard Ancient
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    Entrance to the city of Sinaria is crawling with security. is that going to stop you?
    This is the map that inspire UnderGround. though it was created before i found the OO money canvas it is still an awesome map. unlike the maps of bungie where there are many bumps and turns that affect sniping, i have avoided this by creating to great sniping points at the towers of the city entrance. the sniper will have a full view of the entire map (however limited ammo).

    It has been awhile since i edited the map so the inventory may vary in a few places. but this is one of my favorite places.

    no merging was not used, although it could improve a few spots, the map runs fine as a slayer/team slayer. i recomend up to 8 and that is kind of pushing it. it gets crowded easily after 6.

    SMGs X ?
    SwordsX2 (hidden)
    Rocket luancherX1 (Difficult to get to)
    Battle rifle/CarbineX6
    Enough granades and power ups
    Screen Shots
    Yeah i know there limited.

    If you have any critisism or improvements that could be made let me know.
    Download This Map
    1 person likes this.
  2. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    Overall i would have to say about 3/5. I mean sure its probably fun to play on and watnot but its nothing AMAZING is it? little to no interlockin from wat i can see, but meh still nicely done without it. keep it up
  3. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    2st Post! (2nd is the BEST)
    With all the power weapons you mentioned on the map, this map would be chaos and not the fun kind. I suggest you read some tuts on weapons and there placement for a V2. Also the stairs that you get to via mancannon that have the turrets on them would allow you to get on the little foundry ledge on both sides of the map. Not a good thing. Also, whats the point of being able to get into those back hallways. I know your power weapons are hsrd to reach or hidden, but that makes no real difference. This map has a lot of room for improvement. 2/5
    #3 SVV33T SAUC3, Sep 25, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
  4. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    the map sounded great but it looked bad, no nice combination now is it....

    Look everybody who is reading this even newbies should know that when you're going to show-off one of your maps to us, IT NEEDS TO BE INTERLOCKED, UNLESS THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE INTERLOCKED.

    every map needs AT LEAST a good full week to have it nice and smooth, unless you have a reason, such as when you're about to die and you just wanted to show it quick or when it's a mini-game/casual map, if you have seen predator, which most of us have, it's good, but it can still be interlocked, right....?

    well, next time in your v2 of this map, PLEASE (begging) try to interlock, thank you.
  5. Sinogard

    Sinogard Ancient
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    man... is interlocking all you guys talk about....
    not every map needs it.
    anyway I did not mean to give the impression that this map was 5/5. i admit it is not my best. but it created before i knew of interlocking.
    i myself give this 3/5 with my knowledge of today. but back then i would have given it at least 4/5.
    anyway m rambling.
    #5 Sinogard, Sep 25, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
  6. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    well this looks like it would play well with all of the structures and mancannons... but it needs more interlocking... im not sure i like the layout at all but the idea seems kind of cool... um i think there are WAY too many weapons i dont care if there hidden or not... n hiding weapons isnt leet lol but it is fun to hear ppl say WAT ROCKETS WHERE DID U GET THAT lol... but other than that it looks pretty decent um i give this a 2/5 at the moment... the idea is good but the map needs some work... nice job tho
  7. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    This map needs a lot of work. First, you need to interlock some. Second, you should flip the double boxes over and the briges over for a nice flat effect. Maybe you should incroporate some dumpsters on the ground for cover. This map does not appeal to me. sry. 1/5.
  8. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    I agree that not all maps need interlocking, it's not bad but i think that you should just block off that back area entirly and maybe add some astehics (lol i can't spell) and a middle feature that is easy to get to that is high withlittle cover so it's still risky. Overall not bad.
  9. Sinogard

    Sinogard Ancient
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    ok ill add in some merging once im done with underground v3. that is if i get anymroe critisism on it. and i noticed that the windowside tower needs some work. so ill get that straightened out. and if i have any cash i'll fix the top part. and ill see about reoganizing the inventory. i got alot of work ahead of me. geuss i should get started.

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