download : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing tight corners 3 is an updated version of the first map i ever made...whenever me and a group of friends get on we usualy end up here. spawn room wep room the stretch umm everything is the same on each side good for team slayer,multi flag weps:4 magnums 2 sniper rifles 2 carbines 4 maulers 2 needlers 4 spikers 2plasma rifles 2 plasma pistols 6 assault rifles 6 battle rifles im new here so i hope my post is good XD
Don't worry you post is very good, i like the layout it looks fun for FFA and Ballboxer (my own variant). I think that you should merge the bridge and flip it over (you will hear that alot) a way to do this is to put a fence box over the boxes and place the bridge under it as tight as you can and save and quit it will look alot better. also try adding equipment it adds variaty and fun. But i do like the map alot.
yeah i was thinking about addind equipment but before i could my friends caught wind that i was updating number two and bombarded me wanting to play it so i satisfied them and i totaly forgot lol
this looks pretty well forged, to start it off. What I suggest mainly, is kill that sword off the map, replace with like a mauler, if you really want a central weapon. This reminds me of a combination of Odeum, by ninj4 and sorta kinda saphire OK also, improve the back areas, where you have the facedown fencewalls....geomerge into the wall!!! anyways, im tired, so not a long response from me, but thats what i'd go for in a v2 Cheers, GuruMan
the map isnt that bad its really good lay out. But if I were u I would change some of the weapens around. Like put differnt weapons on the map
looks escapeable, and also, the "wep room" is not a good idea, putting armories or just a designated room for weapons never ends out good because a player can block off any others from getting things.
theres actualy more weps on the map outside of the room...just some weps are there, the only great wep there i think is the sniper
looks good... nice interlocking n such very small... needs action pictures... n more pic. all together... nice layout very simple... sems fun and very playable... n such... weapons seem over used... it shouldn't be all even mumber on the power weapons... place them in the far backish give it a sloped plat. and make it a brawl for the weapon kinda like on Snowbound how everyone runs for it... nice map tho im outa DL but keep the maps koming this is WIN
i really like the map it has some great interlocking i like how it has that one bridge going through the open are its really cool try adding equipment it adds variaty. But i do like the map i give you 9/10
The interlocking is good. If you want it to look cleaner, though, you should geo-merge the boxes into the walls instead of putting those fence walls. another thing is that there seems to be a lot of power weapons.
( I would add more pics to get a more overview of what the map looks like ) Your map looks good, the interlocking is pretty good although I would flip the bridges over for better gameplay.
im actualy taking all your advice right as i type lol p.s. i didnt know how to geo merge till about 10 minutes ago >.<