Prepare to Drop (new Halo 3 teaser)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrawingMan, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    ****en bungie. Now I have to wait who knows how long for this after many months of waiting for the update.

    What are your thoughts on this? what can it be?
  2. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    OMFG that's awesome, it says Halo 3 so its not a new game maybe Mythic map pack? Or some sort of expansion pack?
    Nobody Worthy likes this.
  3. Ignited Prophecy

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    They want more money again don't they.
  4. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    is that the planet chief was falling to?
    i am due to wet myself!
  5. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    There are tons of speculation and possibilities. We all know we want more Campaign, additions to forge, more maps, etc, but we're going to have to wait for Bungie's release of whatever this is... Also, it says in the update on the site: " We hope you haven't dedicated too much time and stress to this 12-hour long countdown event." Sounds like it's releasing in 12 hours? Maybe Midnight? One can only wonder what it is...
  6. jedi eli

    jedi eli Ancient
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    Dude. I just almost crapped myself. One of those things in the video kind of looked like Headlong. I wonder if there is a campaign included in the Mythic map pack. Prepare to drop sounds like master chief is once again falling from a giant pod (like in the beginning of Halo 3) onto another planet. (like pluginfiend said)
    OMG I can't wait to see what's next!
    Oh and I just noticed something very eerie to the video. On the part with the superintendent when all the words are flashing by, you can see something about the flood.
  7. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Probably something that is gonna get way overhyped by people so know i have to ignore the halo discussion thread for like another month
  8. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    It doesn't look like it was done by BUNGiE.

    The graphic style is far off, and it looks a little pixelated.
  9. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    I thougt so too, the Graphics looked a bit cartooney. My speculation is that it takes place probably during or after the New Mombasa incident from halo 2, were the covenant ship did a slipspace dive inside the city. Maybe the superintendent is a sort of a bad character, because if you remember the past bungie update from 3 days ago it said keep it clean, and you clearly see that the superintendent is malfunctioning. So maybe after that disaster, his programming goes bad, and he starts "cleaning" the city. Drop ships could be ODST troops sent to take care of things, as clearly stated by the bungie "Keep it clean" conversation. Maybe thats why that train in the halo 2 level Terminal has that haywire train going mach speed running over your dudes.

    Mind you this is just speculation from what I have seen.

    If this is a new campaing pack, then we clearly know why there are hidden skulls to find. I dont think bungie would have worked on 6 new multiplayer maps, and hid 1 single skull for us to find during matchmaking, would they? Assembly could also be a multiplayer level based on the campaign level maybe, idk.

    damn you bungie, i will hate thee if I cant sleep for the next 3 months or so....
  10. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    I hate the approach Bungie has taken on this game. I just keep throwing away more money with every new thing that's added. Make a game, and make it last for at least a while on its own. I'm sick of spending more money on H3 every 3 months.

    Sure this is cool, but it's probably going to get old real quick and then they'll release something else overhyped requiring me to spend more money. God damn.

    I'm sure i'll be buying this... then the next thing... blehh
  11. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    First off a few things. One: I doubt its another planet. Does it look like one? That Traxus sign is on one of the buildings so it is probably earth. Two: The 12 hours was waiting for this trailer, Bungie wouldnt just give us the new campaign without any other info about it. Thats why the Mythic isnt out yet. (Didnt mean to offend anybody, just wanted to clear some of that stuff up.) And also Drawing, the achievements state that those maps are all multiplayer because they say "Ranked or Social Match" So this is probably going to come out with the Mythic. Or its an expansion pack. If it is im buying.
  12. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I really don't think that it is just a map pack. It may include one, but really when you think about it, bungie has been acting very strange. They had the site down for hours, made a trail of bread crumbs out of random banners next to threads, and actually made a teaser video that doesn't explain what they are about to announce. Just a map pack? Riiiight. They're being almost as secretive as they were when halo 3 was beginning to be worked on. I'm guessing it's just new campaign levels to go with the maps. Maybe a new game mode like horde or something from gears 2 that focuses on Coop. Definitely nothing HUGE, but it probably would require a second disk, or an hour long download.
  13. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    It might be a new mode that lets you play as a marine, and, I like the whole overloading AI theme, also, there is a banner in the city that says 'New mommbasa' so, it's definatly on earth.
  14. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    The names for both of the streets are african names.
    Aslo, it says "Halo, Prepare to drop"

    Which prob means, that there is a new game in town, and halo will fall in its epicness.
    Its funny how almost none of you think its a new game.
  15. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Definetly a new game. "Prepare to drop."
    Well considering that we are the "Halo" community that they are referring to us "dropping" down as possibly an ODST Marine. But, did you guys notice the last one dropped way after the others?
  16. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    Why would we think its a new game, it clearly said Halo 3, Somewere in this forum someone had posted the Halo 3 mythic title screen picture, Were it had Master Chief on the main menu instead of the Ark burial that we all have right now.
  17. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    You guys are silly. Like Drawing stated it is indeed for Halo 3. At the end it says Halo 3. Not anything else. Its probably new campaign levels. Yay.
  18. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Theres o way it's a new game. possibly an expansion, but I even doubt that. From what I can see, probably a new campaign level linking what happened after the New Mobassa incident and new map pack. And from the looks of it, amap similar to headlong will be in it.
  19. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    I've heard that this was an expansion but I dunno. The GFX probably look all cartoonish because .. well hell I dunno lol.
  20. TheXShadowXKing

    TheXShadowXKing Ancient
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    maybe there working on forge extras like legendary has the filters maybe we can post things like the flood or something?

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