Easily copy-pasted. You are really into lies, aren't you. Try doing something that you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. As of now, i consider you a filthy liar. But, i have an open mind and am open to proof.
Well the URL does trace to Spartan7371's photobucket account. Although he could have print screened it then uploaded it himself if he wanted to.
I am not that good at drawing eyes... Oh and by the way NEXT PROOF: I can not have screened it if it was not my own because it is only watchable on my computer-or on a video. And I think a video´s quality would have been worse.
Why are you guys so untrusting... I mean it's like, even if it's not his work YOU can't prove it and it's still amazing work! Seriously guys... Leave him alone.
THANK YOU. I have to say it again: THANK YOU! It is really depressing if everyone is saying that I did not do what I am most proud of.