Wtvr. I will give anyways. Its nice, i hate the render *cough* mallet *cough* and its a little overcontrasted and too centered but i like the grunge and depth of it. Great job except for what i mentioned.
To Telrad... I didn't see Juggernauts post and ur's didn't help me very much. Hari... Thanks! and yes the stock isn't very good :/
You kidden? The stock was awful... I was waiting for the new theme so i could get in on it, so i get all excited when i see "wekk 16 entry" and then i see the stock and i think to myself "ok, wtf am i supposed to do with this?" So, i figured id save myself the embarassment and just not bother.
I am somewhat of a nub to GIMP but I made this for a request so help me out a little with it. Once again I say I am kind of new to GIMP but oh well... Try to stay within constructive criticism. EDIT: RoB, It looks great! Everything is well blended and you even made the awful stock look good! Great work!
Im a super hyper noob to GIMP this my second sig(I know it sucks) constructive criticism please dont flame me.Im starting to get how GIMP works sort of.
Thanks a lot, I didn't think anyone would actually pick up on the simplicity part of it. I have to spread it around first though edit for some cnc: darken the render a bit, it's too bright compared to the rest of the sig. It takes away from the sides, which is the best part of the sig. I dunno, it looks good but I don't understand sprite sigs, they're all the same. Why is an animated character standing on a street with blue lights around him? That's not making fun of yours in particular or anything, but I don't get why people just put a background of a place behind the sprite part.
It's just a common style for sprite sigs. Some are like that, some are bright and colorful, some use C4Ds.
Zerosun, I must say that one is simply amazing. The effects are near perfect. The only thing I have remorse for is the size of the sprite and the effects. Make them a tad bit bigger. And maybe, move them to the right a bit.
doesnt have to make sense =) anyways here was the original sprite he was charging some stuff so i decided to make a glow thing around him. As for the city its just for added depth. + it looks kewl. thanks. But if i resize the sprite, itll pixelate it even more which i dont want The original size was even bigger, but i cropped off the top bit.
Was this made from your recent pyrokinetic tutorial Zero? Because if so, I will most likely retry it but with a more glow feeling like you accomplished.
yea it was made similarly. But when i used blending modes, i found one that made the whole sig really bright. I just erased everything except the glow.
If you want cnc then yes, you must post them here. And I'll try some different blending modes and see what I get. Thanks for the tip Zero.
From what I know now, you don't have to post them in here anymore. I've been seeing tons of CnC sig threads once again... *sigh*. This area will once again be moving so fast that the good stuff will be buried...