Zanort. The best map made on foundry ever. First of all, many people complain about the drab, dark, and depressing look of foundry's green boxes, so I decided I'd brighten up foundry a bit. Here is the first pic. I know what your thinking. OMGWTFHAX!. But no hacks, this is really foundry. With the proper placement of double boxes, I have created this masterpiece. This map has a few key features, and a really great switch that all the pics will highlight. This is a feature I call the base. Note the pro crate placing, it made this map MLG certified. This is the giant wheel. Note the hard interlocking and geomerging. This took me 100 hours to finish. here is the tower. This is a great spot to lookout from. This is an area I like to call 'Camp Froman'. Don't ask me why, it just came to me. ok, this is the switch. If you shoot that, a bridge drops down. I used a min/max switch. Please rate and download. at this link Here
dude are you f-ing serious...somebody either ban him, infract majorly, or just plain old deal with this loser.....go to ph33r forums if you want to be stupid like this, or even better, go to where you belong dumbass
What is the point of this??? it looks like just an empty last resort??? O wait it is your just saying that its yours well this is pothetic.
Epic man, I love the placement of your open box, It looks good for maximum competitiveness. A switch is always a really nice feature in a map too. The cones that you have placed by the structure that you called Camp Froman really maximize the the awareness of the wall that's there. Maybe could you make a V2 with moar interlocking and l33tness? Nah, just kidding this map is perfect, will download and play immediately.
omg that is amazing how did you make that on foundry.your interlocking and geomerging skill are 1337 im gonna dl and show this this to all my friends w00t
Omgz, nice intarloxx. You're gonna have to show me how to do that switch. It's hot. I'll dl now and play through it. ______________ Omg, wtf, you stole Bungie's map! Shame on you! [/sarcasm]
You know this looks a lot like last resort. I will be back with information. EDIT: Wait a minute this is actually THE BEST MAP EVER. Next time don't waste my time with this crap.
Seriously, you replied to this post which i am sure wasted more time than actually reading it. I think this was freaking hilarious, but i hope more people dont start making posts like this because it would get old, fast.
May I ask how the hell you did thaat windmill thing? In all the Halo maps I've seen...NEVER have I been subject to such beautiful interlocking, pristine design, and innovative ideas in a Forge map. You, my friend, win. 5/5. DL from me, should be featured.
You just took pictures of Last resort and posted them here claiming you made it on foundry. Do you really think we are stupid enough to believe that? I could not resist the urge to post this in a thread where somebody clearly displayed lack of intelligence
ZOMG DID y0u guys c this map? i think it needs m0re interlocking!!!!!11!!! lol you are the best can i have your autoghraph PL0X? i cant belive you speant 100 hours on that wheel!!!111!!!!!,and i didnt know foundry had green boxes!, no seriously why did you do this? is there even a reason then to annoy us? more importantly is this breaking any rules so i can report it ?