The Dark Room

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by JoshRicks, Sep 25, 2008.


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  1. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    The Dark Room

    Author(s): JHawk 117 (Me), Astronum

    Map location: Rats Nest

    Map Purpose: Aesthetic Screenshots

    Me and my Friend were messing around on Rats nest, looking for 'hidey holes', and 'out of the map' areas, We soon discovered, The Dark Room, It's Basically A Small Area With two pipes and a wall down the centre, We Basically Stuffed Some Weapons, Grenades, And Equipment, After a while of laughing and fun we created the worst map ever!
    I left it dangling around my File Share, and eventually i decided to Edit it, First of all i Deleted all the weapons and equipment etc... inside, I Then Forged a area with all the weapons available. After Blood, Sweat, And a warm, hot chocolate i finished.

    Now for the only part that people look at...

    The Screenshots!!!

    #1 JoshRicks, Sep 25, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
    1 person likes this.
  2. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    hmmmm, yes u do indeed need to clean this post, up, and for starts u could tell us a lil more about the map, like what level? goals? pros and cons? anyways, fix up ur pictures and ur sure to get more positive feedback
  3. kovakelslovak

    kovakelslovak Ancient
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    what? i don't see why this works, it is a dark room but your pic loooks all white, and btw the pic looks like crap because i can't even see what is happening
  4. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This could use a janitor cause the layout of your post looks like someone hurled on a turned on blender without the glass on it and then the hurl flew everywhere out of control into some giant blobby disgusting mess. Some details on the map would be nice! Also I would like to know where and what map this is on. I think it's on Rat's Nest but I'm not sure. Also that picture looks like bullcrap because you can't even tell if the person in it is a spartan or an elite! And, it's all white! Also, you put the teleporters under the boxes they where in! 1/5
  5. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    ok the map can be good for pictures, but the post always needs to be good, fix up the post so it looks nice, then show us where the black room is, well it obviously is on rats nest (see the background of the 2nd picture....), so I think it's underneath the gost spawn, try to make a picture and sorten out all the weapon and post it again, not to soon though, cause elseway it might be seen as a double post, well have a nice second try, I'll be back.
  6. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Weren't you and Astronum members of the Heathens? We have a new site up.

    Anyway, the map looks ok, I new about the dark room already, though.
  7. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    io think u shou;ld post a couple of pics that u have made using this so we can see wat it is useful for... um the pics are good tho i would put everything in one place but keep them spread out... i guess this works tho it could be hard to get the weapon u want with all of the weapons with in the press LB to pick up XXXX range... but i wish i could see wat pics uve gotten w/ this too see if its worth DL... 4/5 nice job...
  8. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Somebody had already made a post about the secret areas of Rat's Nest, including this one. All you did was add a teleporter and a lot of weapons.
  9. Planb king14

    Planb king14 Ancient
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    its cool i geuss dont now wat it is tho
    3.2/5 good job bro
  10. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    I don't get it. You say that its purpose is for screenshots and I understand. But is there a room or do you just roam around the map? I can't give it a rating because it is confusing.
  11. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    i think i understand? theres a room thats dark, and he wants you to go in there to take pictures? i'm not sure, needs more pictures of this "dark room" so we can see what it looks like
  12. astronum

    astronum Ancient
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    Wow you finally got this up! it's not a brilliant screenshot place and i prefer to blue room, even though i normally don't take screenshots, well i noticed that most people have mentioned that the screens are confusing so I'll set you strait, the first two pictures are all of the map, except the weapon rooms,
  13. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
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    were shall i start about the good bits erm were are the good bits ok the bad bits make it more neater and give it some more room

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