THIS IS A TEMPLATE CONTEST MAP link to contest here MAP : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing MAP DESCRIPTION This map as you can tell from the top is a template contest map that is capable of Flag games and Team Slayer games thats it. The regular bomb games werent as fun sorry the way in to plant the bomb was way to hard so no go sorry bomb lovers. I dont have some ridiculous background story. WEAPONS LIST BRx16 SMGx2 Plasma Riflex2 Spikerx2 Shotgunx1 Rocketx1 Sniperx2 Carbinex2 PICS YEAH Attackers Base Front of Attackers Base Defenders Base Attackers View of Center Defenders View of Center Sender Two Way Rockets Attackers Sniper Defenders Sniper Heres Me Landing on You FIN Remember to check out the Contest heres the link one more time
Wow! this is fantastic! question, did you build this off of a template? or is it a template? eathir way the gameplay looks very efficaint and neat. evening out the sniper possisions was a great idea too. the layout of the base on the upper right side of foundry is cool, i like the curve it has. looks like a very well made map. ill give this a 4.5-5, And actually post it too.
There was a template and I built off of it its quite fun you should do the next one cuz this one is almost over the submitions are do monday
Looks interesting. Some of the 'locking looks sloppy, IDK if it's supposed to look kindof organic, but hey, it's cool. One thing though: I'd like an overview very much, it looks cramped in the pictures. I'll rate when I'm given an overview. Still, looks nice.
This map looks so amazing I like the archway its aesthetic and practical Do you the template contest? I cant beileve no one has noticed that there is a box over the stairs that are built into the map this is so sweet that must of taken forever
WOW nicly forgeed but i can tell that you used to many resounrces on the arcs that you made and so everything else is just kinda there with not much cover and one level, try making the arch smaller and adding in more levels.
the arh was last i originally had a diffferent cover system and the sniper dominated to much because the people on the defenders side were getting spawn raped so it was bad then my friend Albyhouse suggested to put in an archway so i did and it worked out a lot better also you guys keep saying "LOOK" not "PLAY" so try out the map nothing isnt smoothe that it hinders your walking so just play one or two games on it and you'll enjoy it i suggest One Flag
WOWz i hope this isnt better than mine lol ROFL... nice map nice structurers and such... it looks nice and neat... i like the smooth interlocking and the nice little sniper slot... i like the flat geo merging weapons r powerful but i no they had to w/ that PESKY rocket launcher he put in there... lol... nice jhob looks gr8 outta DL or i would nice job tho i rate 5/5 keep forging
Don't get me wrong when i say this map could use work. It is great right now but could be better by fixing your interlocking which is a little sloppy in appearance. Ither than that it looks like an excellent map.
oh i remember this! i played it w/ you, insane, and beserk. though was a fantasic map (even though i keep forgeting where the sniper is...)
Kidbomber i remember that ever time you spawned you be like "where iz mai snipa" and i be like thats insanes thing and its right there *points at sniper while giggling to self*
Dont you think this would be easy to get out of? and how did you geo merge that corner wall that perfectly thats pretty hard to do
Yes but once out there its pointless and you usually need 1 grenade to get out which sometimes leaves you with one which wont kill you so you can get out which can potentially keep you stuck out there for the rest of the match creating an advantage for the other team
ey sage! i played on this map with you! oh, it feels great to test. [flags]. anyway, great job with this, i like it, its intense for 1 flag. very intense. good to see it posted and i will download very soon off your file share.
I no right its amazing for the one flagness and its also amazing for team slayer thats why i love and so many others love it too
the map looks great. I cant wait till I get my xbox back so I could down load it. Besides that the map has good interlockin ect.
Wow,i saw a map before that i thought was the best template contest map,but now this is.The thing that you did that i didn't see with others is that you added to the part of the map that was given like you put that teleporter in the crane thing that was there already.Nice geomerging too.Very nice 4.5/5