Close Quarters Created by Szafranko [br] Supported Gametypes: Infection Infection on this map is brutal, the infected spawn at the top of the map and are cloaked , do one hit kills, and have hammers and swords, they move very very slowly and only the alpha zombie can be seen on radar by the humans so maybe it's best not to be the best?... humans on this map all spawn in a boxed in area where they go into the main compound, here they can hide and run around and do what ever to hide from the infected they have smg and it takes a few seconds to kill a infected, but the trouble is finding an infected Download Close Quarters infection GameType Slayer This has been made so that the higher up you go the better the weapons get, you dont get any grenades to start off with but you can find them, although the lower floor has not as good weapons it has all the equipment and grenades, while the upper floors have better weapons but no grenades or equipment, i've timed the better weapons so taht they dont spawn til 45 seconds into the game so people are encourage to go down below. and fight for grenades, and equipment. and last but not least, the box where humans spawn that is in the infection version is blocked off so it is just the 3 stories , good luck and have fun Download Close Quarters Slayer GameType [br] Map Description This map has many features, one main one being the drop at the top of the map that takes people from the top to the bottom quickly, used effectivly by zombie's in infection. this map also is impossible to get out of... unless you have 5 people who want to make stairs for you to get out.. but good luck with that, any ways there is a hidden custom upgrade and some weapons hidden sumwhere and if u do manage to know where it is, it's even harder to find out how to get it. every level of this map is a maze, and should leave u looking back if you were fallowed. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] This is Basically a step by step of the map, Human Spawn Lower floor maze Middle floor maze upper floor maze + Zombie spawn + right side drop hole [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Time Issue - If you think that the zombies in infection dont have enough time to win depending on how many people your playing with, Change the time length of each round, by editing the gametype, but dont mess with anything else or you could ruin the game last comments My favourite thing about this map is that you cant be sure someone is near you or not because of the 3 stories, someone could be behind you.. 10 feet up lol so just have fun and enjoy [br] Download Close Quarters Map [br] Ok... i kno this has nuttin to do with my map but i just wanna show ye all a funny pic i know most of you are gunna injoy this guy gettin it right in the nuts!
Love the random pic, and cool map. I like that you had a quick slideshow for your first pic, but how did you do that? oh, and what is your budget at on the map? you should make it a little bigger if you can.
this budget wasnt the problem it was resources... i was gunna put a teleporter at the top of the drop on the top floor... and that would lead to a whole new area with 3 floors... buuutt... i dont think i could make a area completly out of dingle box and double boxes.... and if i did it would be pretty awkward.. and large...soo thats not going to happen and im sorry but if you can think of a maze with multiple levels completly made out of single boxes and double boxes be my guest... or better yet set it to me and i can use it on an added addition to this map, thanks for the comment pinecone
you mean a gif, well i used unfreez, simple program u just put in some gif pic's set the time u want between each pic goes by mili seconds... and load er on up, then u gots urselfs a handy dandy GIF!
you dont have to end ur msg with ur name i pretty sure i know it's you lol, so you like the map?... have u actually played it or are u just saying nice map cuz u wanted me to bee in a good mood when i read you asking how to make the animation?.. lol
uhh.. er.. well.. before anyone else thinks of this... Close quarters is copyrighted by the Szafarnko corporation and use of this name other then naming this map, they will be sued, please fallow the terms of use at this message will terminate in 10 seconds...
I love the way you show your map. Great detail in your post, I love it! The map also looks very well put together. It seems to look small but has many floors making it larger. I will queue it and get back to you at a later date hopefully.
lol alrigt i suggest actually playing slayer before infection, you get to know the map around better and hideing spots which are needed when playing infection, and thanks for the comments im glad you like it and i look forward to your review soon
it's been changed, i forgot to change the link to the map, scince i updated this so you can play slayer, but ye it should work now.. enjoy
I can hardly understand why people put mazes (mazes, for god's sake!!!) in Competitive. But, looks alright. Close Quarters isn't exactly original.
WOOTNESS Map updated, now i set up symmetrical and Asymetrical, so tehres no weapons when ur playing infection, and spawns rnt messed up hav fun
There is a slayer version i made, i guess i havn't updated it here go check my guilder application because it's over there