The survivers of the geeza72 outbreak have plungged deeper into the geeza72 alpha34 labs in search of a cure. along the way they stopped at this security junction to asess the situation.... there is only one problem.................. The elevator straight to ground level is still on. 1. map has a octagonal. 2. 4 mongeese just for fun purpose. 3. 2 sides for a side to side combat. 4. each side has a special quality that give each a small advantage. 5. the map is very well interlocked. 6. several varity of wepons and explosives. 7. the map has a great play ability for all game types. 8. thanks for look at the map. 9 rate here download rate again. 10. and finnaly hve sum fun with it. DOWNLOAD: Security Check Gametypes: geeza72 experiment PICS: Yellow side view Red side view Over View 1 Over View 2 Garage Lift Action 1 Dowload and rate this map and thanks for tunnng in!
wow i like the map u have some really good forging skills nice job w/ the map... i thinkz some things are to much for such a little map... but other than the the forging is nice... interlocking smooth... layout is REALLY good... more pics would help... other than that its pretty good i would tweek the things on the map not the layout n stufff thio nice post keep posting maps this is good... oh and 4.6/5
Looks good, but the interlocking could be a little better, and I don't see the point of the mongooses (mongeese?)
You need a good discription if you want sombody to download. i give a 4/5 but without a description i cant give you a full rating
Nice map but I agree with the other guy that the interlocking could have been better. You are right, this does look like a fun map to play around. One question, why did you label this in Infection where you dont even have a gametype?
I like it! nice idea, quite original, lovely interlocking. overall looks like a fun map. keep up the good work 5/5
It's a pretty good map, the interlocking is great and so is the layout, though there are only 2 section (the main section and the garage lift) and it seems that it's based on infection mainly as you said, but there's no gametype. When infection is a extra gametype then this is not a problem, but if even the storyline includes infection main then you should have a gametype, get one.... anyway great forging 4/5 and I would like to see some more.
This is a pretty good arena map. You posted this under casual maps, so i think the vehics and weapons are good for some fun not to serious action. Only thing i dont like - soccer balls have no place in any map unless you are using them for a gametype, and i dont like huge piles of fusion coils, that is something we all did when we first started forging.
yeah i don't really put an infection gametype because people use their own any way so what would be the point. if you want a gametype then just look at my fileshare its on there will post a link later.
making videos now will have a video up sometime this week showing this map in a tutorial type setting
looks like it would be a better race map more than anything. just dosent look like a good infection map. sry i just dont like the idea it just dosent fit. nice forging though. better luck next time.