-First and foremost I have to make it known that this map was not entirely all my brainchild but a collaboration created by myself and whatZhiZface.- **Bungie Community Favourites Week 1 Spotlight** -Best Gameplay Map- A few pics to peak your interest. Description Well overall this map called FOUR POINTS (download here) has been setup for all gametypes and is [almost] perfectly symmetrical, with the exception of some equipment spawns and a few geometric variations that came with building the central structure, all of which will be explained in detail below. The Bases Lets start with the bases. There are four identical bases on this map cleanly divided into quadrants by the 2 Shotgun tunnels or the 2 Carbine towers PICS FROM BASE TO BASE - 1) via Shotgun 2) via Carbine Each base is a two-level sanctuary in which all the teams start and the CTF and ASSAULT objective points are. Each base is home to 2 BR's; one at the bottom of the stairs, and one top-level near the Regenerator. (Thats right! a regen in every base!) Down underneath you will find an SMG & Pistol combo under the window which not only gives you a view of the opposing team's flag, but also makes for a great bunker-type hideaway. Also between each base and it's respective Carbine tower is another hideaway of sorts. An open box closed off on one side by a shield door (to protect you from those pesky turrets and snipers) which holds a plasma rifle and 2x plasma grenades. Finally to end the tour of the bases I'd like to direct your attention to the Flare and Power-drain found right outside of each shotgun tunnel towards the center of the map. Which takes us to the Tower description. PIC FROM BASE TO TOWER !check it! The ToWeR Let me just start by saying that if you are courageous enough to brave the center of the map and take control of the tower you can in-turn control the entire map. Lets start from the bottom and work our way to the top. At the very base of the spiraling staircase that takes you up to sniper-heaven you will find the Active Camo and a Needler to make your ascent a bit less stressful. Take a few quick turns or jumps and you are on the mid-portion of the stairs which is home to the Bubble Shield. From here there are a few options; You could rain down terror onto the bases from either of the respective turrets seen here. ({ Side A - Side B, or you could travel to the very top of the map via the mancannon or a well timed/placed jump. Once up top the power is yours. The mancannon will drop you off right next to the Hammer. From here you will notice that the top of the tower is basically a 4 way intersection of tunnels, built to give you access to every base without completely compromising your safety. Opposite the Hammer spawn you will find another BR. But if you really want to wreak havoc; might i suggest the Sniper Rifle, precariously located above your head at the center of the intersecting walkways. Now the power is in your hands THE END Thanks to all my friends and everyone who helped test the map and give input and yadda yadda bla bah blaah Hope you all enjoy the map, and PLEASE, PLEASE leave me some feedback and rate. Alot of time went into this map and id hate for it all to be a waste. THANK YOU P.S. (F.Y.I. There have been minor complications with the mancannon shooting you to the top, but if you walk straight into it you will be taken to the intended destination about 95% of the time.)
Well don't think I will blindly take all these "legitiamte qoutes" word for it. I am going to ask that you post screenshots before I consider downloading. But a good description none the less. Here is a link that will provide all the information you need on posting. I hope to see what your map looks like! - Brute Captain
dear deepmonkey, your post is almost there it would nice to see pic ( dont link from B.net use imageshack ) and I do see the need to Quote people but it all up to you. If you need help embeding your pic here is a helpful LINK . your helpful buddy -Iron Tusk NO ONE ELSE NEEDS TO COME IN HERE AND TELL HIM WHAT HAS ALL READY BEEN STATED
My apologies everyone.. I do have some pics embedded they just dont stand out like the links on Bungie.net. Gimme 5 mins. and I will change the color of all the links. Thanks everyone for pointing that out. **Fixed it! thanks for the heads-up all
You haven't embedded any pics yet. This is an embedded picture Please read this topic and edit your original post if you want people to pay closer attention to your creations. You could also use this template when posting maps. Peace // gorebound
Im sorry you dont like my map.. Could you tell me what about it you dont like? Maybe I could clear some things up. ** Also could anyone please tell me why my embedded pics arent showing up? I have them setup like this [img ]http:bla bla[/img ] (minus the spaces of course) and it isnt working. Do they have to be posted on Imageshack.com for them to work. ***Also Also.. Is it like absolutely necessary to have them embedded? Is everyone at Forgehub gonna frown on me for having them linked in my post the way I do? If anyone could be of some assistance it would be much appreciated.
Yes, actually you really need to embed your pictures. Most people will skip over a post if the pictures are not embedded. And also yes, the pictures actually have to be posted on imageshack, only then will there be a functional useable url. If you need anymore help ask me or contact a moderator. - Brute Captain
Yes you have to embed them, it's the standard here on the forums. You have to upload the to Imageshack.com or some other image hosting site.
Ok.. sorry for posting in my own thread so many times everyone, this will not become habit. Just wanted to say i got the pics embedded.. thanks for all the help and hope you enjoy. And BTW.. it doesnt have to be Imageshack
Oh my gosh, I really wasn't expecting much but... this map looks incredible. I am downloading for sure! - Brute Captain
Hehe.. thaz quite a response to just a few pics.. glad you like it. It really is worth downloading.. you wont be disappointed.
LoL.. thats cool Now I feel like a worthy forger and photographer. Hope you enjoy it, lemme know what you think.
Very good job with the pictures, they make me want to play it, I saw it and kinda had a "jaw-drop" going on. As for actually playing the map i'm about to go and get a few friends together and give'r-a-go i'll edit this and let you know what i think.
Really? They kinda deterred me. I dislike the air of arrogance surrounding this map. The map itself, it's not sloppy, but it has little competitive FFA ability, which I enjoy. Team Slayer would also be difficult, with CTF and Assault lagging a little behind. Also, why is there a turret facing a wall?
Hmmm.. have you actually tried this map yet? FFA slayer is actually pretty fun. Assault and CTF play pretty well in my opinion as well though they arent my favorite. I would say FFA slayer, Team territories, and KotH were probably my favorite gametypes. As for the turrets, they're not facing a wall in the sense that if you were to 'mount' them they would be completely useless. They are positioned so that each team has a turret capable of firing on a decent amount of space on either of the opposing teams bases. (For defense in Assault and CTF games). Any ways.. If you didnt even read the entire description or walkthrough it forge or something and left those comments im disappointed. If you did do something to that effect and you still dont like it well then im just sorry you are 1 in a million. Better luck with your next choice.
Wow, I'm a one-in-a-million. Guess that means I'm lucky. Fine. On par with reviewing protocols, now I'll actually take a look at it via testing, and give you my opinion.