So today playing DLC FFA, I got a map called Anvil. It seemed to be a player forged map. Is this the case? Or was it a bungie made map? It sure seemed player made.
Ask bungie. They implemented it. Its most likely a Bungie made map or it is amde by someone with large amounts of respect in the Halo community.
Bungie emplyees made maps. Read this article from Bungie-Made Foundry Variants in Favorites Posted by lukems at 12/20/2007 2:33 PM PDT Discuss Previous Post | Next Post Before heading out for the Holidays, a few Bungie guys wrapped up work on their own variations of Foundry via the Forge, those maps have been put into Bungie Favorites for your enjoyment. Magic Manufacturer Tom Doyle on "Anvil": Anvil is a slayer and team slayer map best suited for two to eight players. Although its primarily set up for slayer, it also lends itself to ctf, assault and territory modes. Climb the rocket tower or sniper duel from the catwalks to gain an upper hand over the opposition. Tactical players should enable BR starts on this one. Multiplayer Designer Lars Bakken on "Deathpit": This is an old school deathmatch map specifically designed for 1 v 1 battles, but it also works in a 4 player FFA. Controlling the power weapons is key to survival. The Rocket spawns in the center high walkway, and the sword spawns down below. Each side has a shotgun and grenades. At its simplest, it is a maze filled with tight corridors, and lots of action. I hope you enjoy it. Mission Designer Dan Miller on "Pac-Man": In this parody/homage we built the level to be as faithful to the original "Pac Man" map as possible, complete with two-way teleporters on the sides and even the four "Power Pellets" in the corners! This infection variant allows one person to play as "Pac Man" with Gravity Hammer, the rest are ghosts with Swords. Pacman's goal is to get to each of the four corners and grab a Power Pellet floating in the air (look for covenant equipment holders on the ground). Once he's obtained a power pellet, he'll become invincible for a short amount of time and be able to eat up the "ghosts." 4-6 players recommended. Alkaline Prodigy and MDK 2002 contributed to the creation of the map and gametype. Source:
im gonna finish my homework then go play now . i wanna see anvil. so i can have something else to ***** about
i actually believe it was posted on here a long while back.. i have it on my hardrive from about February? ,aybe.
i remember its not that good. i didnt like it even when it came out along time ago. not one of the better maps in my opinion.
The overall layout is better I think. When compared to default Foundry you don't feel as trapped on the ground floor, or as exposed when up on boxes. That perpetual sense of unease you get when playing default Foundry isn't nearly as prevalent. There's a larger variety of weapons on the map, and they actually spread out the power weapons this time. But there are a lot of power weapons, it's similar to playing the Pit in that sense, you feel like there's always something powerful that's up for grabs. I'd almost say that the map plays great, but the center of the map ruins it. Seated against the permanent center wall, the one that juts out from the hallway area, is a high tower. Imagine a difficult to siege tower, like the sniper tower on Guardian, but with a much steeper climb, and less paths leading up to it. The path up is actually so steep that attempting to ambush any enemies up there is suicide. On most maps, being that high up should expose the player to sniper and laser fire, except there's an cement barrier situated on the top of the tower, removing any kind of potential balance that the map might have had. It's really pretty silly the way they've got it set up. And the rockets are up there for some reason, which cinched it for me, the map is basically unplayable. Gaining a small lead and then camping the tower will become the dominant strategy once everyone becomes accustomed to this map. At least that's how I see it. The short version of this post: "Wow, big improvement over default Foundry." "Hrm, just killed by rockets, wish they didn't have those on here." "Boy it's hard to kill the people up on that tall tower." "Apparently the rockets spawn up there. Probably should X this from now on."
I found a far stupider design approach on this map: There are two shotguns, a sword, all which have 1 runtime maximum, and there is a camping spot with no equal. Between the back corridors (between the two bubble shields on normal foundry, if you look at the area that usually separates the two bases with two doors, they are now shield doors. I can't really explain it well, but there is basically a shield-door enclosed block that is no wider than two spartans. If you can get those three weapons and get inside the camping square, there is no way you can possibly lose.
default foundry has a decent layout, but the weapon placement blows chunks (2 snipers and a rocket in the back vs a bruteshot and a battle rifle in the front? how does that work bungie?) anvil is just plain bad design. there are far fewer ways to get from the bottom levels to the top. o the lack of dumpsters/crates/ramps to get to the top creates an abundance of dead ends on the bottom level. overall it looks sloppy, random, and unprofessional. while default foundry doesnt have any geo glitching or fancy design, it at least has a simplistic charm as mentioned before, the rocket tower is insanely high (jumping while up there hits your head off of the invisible roof) and as theres only 1 way up its hard to get people off of it.
I don't know if it was created by a bungie employee, but I do believe it was created by a guy known as "C4NC3L." Once after playing on it after M.M, I went into customs and looked up it's info.
Anyone else feel this map is a complete slap in the face to the forgehub community? Here we are spending countless hours into maps that will never see the light of day on matchmaking. Some maps are simply awesome and obviously close to one hundred hours to build. Then we all anticipate this newly forged map on matchmaking... and are left saying "what the hell"? If this map was posted on forgehub people would post things like "you have some work to do. I can see it's your first time forging. Welcome to the community." There are literally thousands of better maps than this... Anvil looks like it can be made in thirty minutes. There's even some sloppy forging in the back right corner by the garage door. One of the single boxes is crooked next to the stairs and you can get stuck behind the single box. It's pretty easy to get stuck there too! This map is a slap in the face to the forgehub community anyone else feel the same way?
ya so accually i just played on it an hour ago. it was made by bungie and i hate it, the gameplay is ok but they have wayyyyyy too many power weapons. Spartan laser rockets i think 2 shot guns and i think 2 turrets plus a sniper too.
I'm relatively new to the forgehub community, but I've gotta say I feel exactly the same way. Anvil came up on doubles the other day, left me confused for the first few minutes. The other team had obviously played it before, as they knew the back was open where in default foundry it is not, and killed us very quickly from there. Then they each grabbed a shotgun and one got sniper and one got rockets. We were down 12-3 VERY quickly due to some err, unpleasant, camping sprees between those 2 shield doors in the back hallway. Did you know that Camo spawns in the most powerful camping spot of any map to date? Well it does on Anvil. And overshield spawns about 1 second away from the sniper. Then towards the end of the game we found the rockets, found some stickies, and pulled out a victory camping at the sniper and rockets like we were in the girl scouts, s'mores and everything. If they had had the patience to stay in their cheap little double shield door +invis camping spot with their shotties/sword, we would have had no chance. Long story short: I hate Anvil more than I would hate playing team doubles on Sand Trap without vehicles.
This map is also a good or bad camping map, depending on the way you see it. It's very easy to camp in Team Doubles behind in the back hall way, because there's two shield doors that you can easily stay unnoticed there. I agree, this map is a slap in ForgeHub's face, but I heard somewhere that Bungie doesn't like glitches that we use like Unlimited Money and Geo Merging.
They don't like unlimited budget because it causes lag when abused, and increases load times. As far as I know they are OK with merging and interlocking. This was stated by Shishka in a discussion on about a potential user-created content playlist. Found it... Source. Edit: rationale