[[[Click Here]]] for pb 002! Modified Version of pb 001 modification includes: *Start Button to detonate the Fusion Coil (+etc.) in the middle as starting sign. *Truck drops in random location on the field at begining of every round. (this makes map different every time!) Pics: The Start Button Before Start Start Button Pushed Starting Explosion Truck falling Randomly Click Here for Paint Ball Variant. Click Here for pb 002 video (1on1) (This map is still in the stage of being modified. the Start Button does not work 100% of the time. When it fails to start blue side needs to shoot the grav lift in the cage to get it going. Also the Custom Upgrade should be set so it does nothing! unless your playing 1 on 1 in which case speed +150% would do a good touch. I will keep modifing and uploading.)
Its not very original for these kinds of maps have been done before, but this map is very nice, it actualy does look like a paintball field good job, I would have geomerged a little bit more, but still good
u need to EMBED all ur pix... nice map tho the start is creative... layout is nice... map seems well made post is good... needs MOAR INTERLOCKING LAWL im jk bout that but nice maps 4/5 EMBED UR PIX MAN
the map looks good but paintball is really played out also there is not anything really special about this map which makes it just an average map.
Suggestion: Spell suggestion right and dont spam up threads. Also I would place weapon holders on top of barriers so they dont fly all over the place
alright, thanx for the comments, i guess some stuff i need to focus on is: 1.Originality 2.alignments 3.and locking barriers *oh and pics. i have only played 1on1 on this map, so if theres any of you who has played with more people, i just want to ask if my variant works fine.
This map does not belong in the aesthetic maps forum, please ask a mod to move it to the casual map section ( that's just where I think it would fit best). Also, the title of the thread should be the name of the map only, so you should take out the part that says "Start Switch Installed!! Best'''''". You have the Switch tag in front of the thread title already so people will know that it involves a switch.
lol a paintball halo map , interesting, i like the way it looks in the pics however i need to clear up some space for that variant and the map as well so ill tell you later how it plays