The Re-incarnation of Forge Upon Us?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by X5, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, as many of us should by now know, tomorrow, on the 23rd, is TU2. It is bringing Matchmaking changes, existing map changes, achievements, and new maps (though maybe not tomorrow). Of these new maps, one is named Sandbox, and it is this map, I focus my attention on now.

    Like me, many read the name Sandbox as one of the rumored maps and thought of forge, though Bungie in their deceitful ways, instilled doubt in our heads that our hopes would be reality. But, many hints have led me to believe that a new Forge map was upon us. They are as follows.

    The Name, although Bungie is good at trickery, suggested that Sandbox was indeed an all out Forge map. Yes, the name can be deceitful, but I doubted Bungie would go that far, just to trick their loyal fans.

    Matchmaking changes, were well known, but one interested the forge community, that being the inclusion of Forged maps in Matchmaking. Now, this alone does not support the possibilities of a new forge map, cause we still have foundry, but the fact that this Matchmaking change was not to be instant, made me think. I realized, the most obvious reason for this, would to give forgers time to create new maps, on a new forge canvas.

    and finally, the clincher revealed only recently...

    The Achievements, being very specific. Each rumored map was confirmed by a description, indicating to achieve the achievement, you had to do a specific thing on the specific map in matchmaking, like getting a shotgun spree on Citadel. On top of this, all the maps have a skull achievement. But what does this have to do with Sandbox being a Forge map for sure? Well, because if you read the achievements you will realize, that while all other maps have a matchmaking achievements, Sandbox does not.


    , for each skull obtainable on these multiplayer maps, have symbols on their head much like the existing skulls such as Iron. The Sandbox skull, has a monitor on it, and here at FH, we have all come to recognize the monitor as the symbol of forge.

    Yes, add these together, and you reach the same conclusion I have, Sandbox is a forge map. STFU all of you who like to say "Um, no, Bungie is ****, they aren't going to do that and it is tricks" (unless you're jk of course) because it only makes sense. It is not on matchmaking, because it is a big, empty room for us forgers to have a field day on.

    Now, I am in no way saying it will be good, but let's hope, because although it feels like it at times, I am sure Bungie has forgotten us and our requests here at Forgehub.

    So, with the above said, now into the meat of this topic. Recently, I am not going to lie, most all maps posted here have been rather stale. Foundry was just simply used up. Even though their are new ideas, their is only so much to do on it, and with our growing creativity, the item limit, and item choices, just don't cut it. Sandbox can very well be our redemption, a new map with new possibilities. We will have that period of time now, where everything seems like a great new idea again, and I can't wait.

    Of course, I wish to say this now. Like it has been in past, and how it will be in future, as soon as this new forge map is available, the maps section will be FLOODED with canvas's, and just quickly thrown together maps. I regret seeing this, but it will happen, however, I do encourage those of you now reading this, to put your best foot forward on this new map, because now is your time to create something unique, so spend time on it.

    On a final note, I say this, do you forsee the Re-incarnation of Forge being upon us this week?
    #1 X5, Sep 22, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2008
    XDAO SoX and The Storm 59 like this.
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i wouldnt say this week, but i see a possibility that your post holds some weight to it.
  3. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Great read, man. I've been a believer that Sandbox would be the new Forge map ever since Bungie released the name. And you're right, there's only so much you can do with boxes and bridges. You don't know how many times I've thought about the frustrating limitations of Foundry, and how far beyond it we could really go. Constructing good maps requires multi-levels that flow together with ramps and passages ways. Doing this on Foundry has got to be the utmost irritating thing to do. And I think a lot of people know what I'm talking about. Foundry has really been holding me back, personally. And I think it's time we got an upgrade.
  4. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    QFT. I say in the next 2-3 weeks.
  5. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Arg! I just looked through the acheivements and thought the Exact same thing (no matchmaking achievements and everything you mentioned) and came here to post it.
    How dare you beat me! =P

    It's pretty cool, no? It seems Bungie is Finally giving us what we've wanted since Forge was announced.
    I just hope they don't stop the unlimited budget glitch for Sandbox.
  6. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    I don't think we'll be needing an infinite budget. Hopefully we won't at least.
  7. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    You never know. =P
  8. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Most of you are going to like sandbox. Can't wait to see the crazy creations made from the skybox.
  9. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    ORLY? Please explain.

    I hope there are more complex structures as well as "building blocks" like boxes and bridges etc.

    Basically so we could make whatever we want. I most likely won't make any maps (frankly I'm not that great at forge), but I'd be interested in what other people make.

    With all the info, I'd say that Sandbox is a new forge map, and that it'll be coming out soon. But, we'll just have to wait and see I suppose.
  10. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    actually to add to your beliefs sweeny if you look at the achievement that requires you to find a skull on sandbox the skull has a monitor(forge mode) on it, which further proves your argument or your statement or comment.
  11. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    mythic map pac i bet that shits gonna have new forge-box
  12. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    I want to say i totally agree i really do, n secretly i think i do... the facts r very clear but idont want to get my hopes up if u no what im, like one time when i was little some1 told me we were going to go to Chuck E. Cheeses... well i got excited... i was excited i was bouncing off the walls then it rained and we didnt go i was pissed... it sucks and i dont want to one of the kids who if this isnt true on the 25th when they post or clear things up is cutting there wrist miss spelling word through their fogged up glasses and wet eyelashes... tho i want to through my hopes at this and all these threads have got them going im not going to

    Tho if they do give us a better forge map i could totally see this coming... n i do support ^^^^ those claims i just dont want too lol wow LONG post huh
  13. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Ya, found that out yesterday. Added to original post.

    The proof is definite, in my opinion, as long as Bungie cares about their forging fanbase. Now the only question left, is when?
  14. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    I hope you know that Bungie made an achievement for us Forgers...
    What, you want to know...?

    Very well then:
    Tank Dropper25 [​IMG]
    On any Mythic map, get a kill on another player while in monitor mode.

    I'll use a cone though... =)
  15. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    you know what would be great is a map like sandbox where you can create floating maps like blackout that would just be straight up sweet but before we need to worry about that they really just need a full blown map editor starting from scratch with over 1000 items like farcry 2

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