Hells, seriously. Stop being a ***** and GTFO! Besides, what you posted was spam because you've already stated this many times. Noone wants to give cnc to an ignorant jerk. As for Al, it seems extremely cluttered, and I don't know where to look for a focal point. Try using just one admirable object near the center. The idea is alright, although you did'nt really do much except plop on some renders and call it a day.
Just a heads up to everyone Post Count has been removed from this forum... :/ Also Al... WAY to much going on... Dripping isn't connected to the iPod either and looks unnatural.
eh im at friends house right now and just helped him get his forge hub account started and since i cant log in as legacy till tomorrow or the 26th cant remember wich, he said i can post 1 or 2 things as him right now so i decided to throw down this sig i made. (and hells i will personally rate ur sigs 4 u)
Excuse me, but isn't what you are doing ban evasion? As for the tag, there are way too many colors. Try matching them a little better to the render. And the text is very un-recognizable, meanwhile distracting a ton of attention from the render.
HEY GUYS I GOT WARNED WOOOOOOOOO! And I can't wait to see what FU does for the CnC since he did say he would do it lololololololololololololol. BTW Force Unleashed is a sick game.... *EDIT* Nevzer mind I got infracted...
and no i am only going to be banned for 1 day anyway my friend just said i can post stuff as him listen man. Also i guess ill try this thread and see how good it works..Zendarrun the most i can say is intresting becuz its to hard to critque on something when i have no idea what it is.(side note my friend wont let me post anything else so see u on the 25 or 26th guys) EDIT: lol hells Double edit: smeagle i actually liked the old style for sprites u were using better even though it was getting boring ..i personally find the sprite not fitting with the c4d very well but thats just me and also stop being rude to hells he loves all creatures : p
**** you asshole! CnC: Too bland, looks like you added a C4D sharpened it and then blurred a bigger C4D in the background, and then screwed around with the colours a bit, and its too small, and the purple on the render is really annoying, get rid of it or else it looks really weird.
ahh the sig i put up for force isnt workign so im seeing if it is now...also smeagle i edited previous post with CnC for ur sig in it. EDIT: yay its working now i guess all i had to do was post to make it work
Thanks for the cnc Hells, and 'force' or whoever you are. I was getting some negative feedback from members because of the constant style. I agree it was great, although I needed to venture out to new styles. Now would be a good time to start I suppose.
I love that commercial! I thought it looked great, and, so does the sig. The font couldve been a bit better, but I can tell you wanted to keep it simpler. I like it! The quality of the renders you used isn't too great. Maybe it's supposed to be like that, but I don't know... They're all okay, I guess. Only 2 or 3 colors, couldve some more. The last one, is the best one out of those. Too rainbowy. The dripping effect on the font looks bad. The bubbles aren't cool... I don't know, just not feeling it. I really, really like the background. My friend told me he was going to teach me all about these C4D's...they're so confusing... I don't like sprites, like not yours, I just dont like sprites in general... But the background is awesome. Would look great as a wallpaper, or something. I'd download it.
I'd be honored to make a thread explaining C4D's. Ill do it tomorrow if you like. And as for the background, it's only a blurred C4D. But, I'm glad you like it.
sorry i dont have anything to comment on, as i dont really have time to look, but i was just wondering what you guys thought of my SOTW entry? i used the castle crashers ninjer. the stock needed for the theme i used as the background....
Why double post knight? I like the font but the K is kinda cut off, It blends really well, but needs a border* o-o * try some different styles. Need cnc for this-
i dont really care about the font cause i will never get it right. thats definetly pretty good reaper. i like it alot. i honestly can say what to change
More great work from you as usual. The smudging and colors or excellent, but the C4Ds (if thats what they are) on the left and right side a just a tiny bit pixelated on my screen. Your text has improved a lot over the last few weeks and the light bar running between the text is a nice effect, although I can see it overlapping her hair which to me is a no no. Lastly, my brain is saying there isn't a light source, but my eyes say there is. I just want to know if you added a light soruce.