PLEASE DOWNLOAD// THIS IS NOT A RE-POST I CHANGED SOME THINGS! Description= hello forgehub community this is my second post my first one you may have saw was ( wall v2) trust me these are nothing alike. I used interlocking geo-merging, and great layout design. Have fun , download, and most important please enjoy! story=the unsc has one more army to whipe out and this is were it happened. 2-4 players team slayer or lone wolves only // ctf is on the way.....I will make a v2 and clean things up so dont worry for all of you who enjoy this map. author=my shots a kill weapon and equipment list br=8 ar=4 smg=4 mauler=2 sword=1 frag=8 plasma=2 custom power up=1 Now the Pictures!! overveiw one! sword spawn! Mauler spawm! Custom power up, the only 2 plasma's, and some coils to prevent camping! Right tunnel picture! Left tunnel picture! Tunnel enterance/exit walkway above tunnel A Walkway above tunnel B Well thats it I hope you enjoyed my map and picture, Please download, rate, comment for a v2, and most important enjoy! This is not a re-post! I edited a couple things so dont think I did. and guys please download if you like the layout the map is alot better than as it looks. Map Link Below!!!! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
interlocking is VERY sloppy i dont see any geo-merging -_- and is escapable (by moving a fusion coil over by mancannon and shooting it and jumping) 2/5
I don't like the map. Not because the interlocking is sloppy. Not because it's escapable, nothing against you. I just see nothing thats very original. (Post a comment with something funny in it and mod's attack you =P)
wow you amde a v2 and didnt change any of the geometry the only changes is see is a mauler..... mabey if and when you make a v3 make it neater please
the interlocking and geomerging is very sloppy. but other than that the main part of this map reminds me of mid ship so that was a plus for me cause at first i was like whoa a midship remake but then not so much but whatever ill dl and try it out 3/5
dude to help u out a little bit on the interlocking ill dl it and fix it and send it to u so ya u can just make it a v2
I don't mean to rub it in your face but this map needs a lot of work...and I mean it. You need to make it less sloppy for one. Two, you should add some nice aesthetic touched to the map, such as interlocking the man cannon into the box. Um, the map design looks pretty good but the fact that it is not inescapable as pointed out previously makes all these problems add make me rate this a 2.5/5
nice map idea, but for a better aesthetic value to it, try interlocking the boxes that create the upper level. It looks so weird when they have those little creases and cracks like that
I don't often rate maps based on whether the interlocking and merging are phemomnal, but in your case the lack of interlocking completely destroys it. sorry but you can only have a 1/5 from me.