My latest verson of Warzone, is now Supports CTF as well as FFA Slayer and Team Slayer. Close to Mid-Range Combat 4-10 Players BR Starts Warzone v4 WEAPONS: Sniper x2 Needler x2 SMG x4 Mauler x2 Laser x1 Sword x1 Active Camo x1 Firebomb x4 Plasma x8 Frag x8
Hey bud, you have got to imbed those pictures in your post with the tags the map does look nice though, kind of fun looking I would suggest some interlocking to make it more aesthetically pleasing
Maybe its just me but every time a map called warzone is posted it doesnt have embedded pics but other than that good map.
after clicking on the picture links it looks pretty cool, (i like the sword spot ) hey nice job it looks cool, kinda like an MLG map in a way in my opinion except that you can walk inside the bases and the weapons are different. hey it's cool nice job
this is nice... nice interlocking... nice layout... too open tho i get the idea... give more ways into the bases... this has a real beaver/ battle creek feel as far as too close bases tele on each side invis cave bridge to rocket sword... nice work im going to asume u purposeLy did that... but ne ways looks great firebombs should be fun i want to try this i bet flag would be epic win if there where more enterances nice map give bases more entrances and it will be EPIC lol... nice work keep forging
yes, i was going for a battle/ beaver remake to some degree. ie-2 close bases, back-n-forth teles from side to side, 3 lvl bases,camo in "cave" arch to sword ps- the first pic is the only v4 pic, the changes were that i added the cover in the middle and by the sword+made it a CTF supported map
hmm...this map is kind of open don't you think? well i do think that, also it looks very easy to escape with the right grenade jumps and stuff. i don't see much interlocking, only some, but i don't care that much for it. maybe you could write up a weapon list that would be great, thanks!
what i say to the grenade jump comment is, why? what could u possibly gain by jumping out, being completely out of the game... that would be so much fun OMG...y bother?