I'm starting this thread so that any Aussie's or Kiwi's on this site who don't know many others online from this part of the world can meet and organize a time to join up online to get this achievment. That way, it reduces the chance of Lag caused by the distance when having an American or European in the party or whatever reason . (better connections yadda yadda yadda) For those that don't know to unlock this achievment you have to finish the last level of the campain online with 4 players on Legendary with the Iron skull turned on and when it comes to the driving part, everyone has to be in ghosts.
Great idea. I didn't know you could do it via ghost, was that an update? I'd like to get it done tomorrow night, that'd be my earliest time to. Around 11ish pm thursday. If not then, anytime after 4 on Friday is fine. My timezone is GMT +9:30 I forget, what effect does Iron have.
I can do Friday from lunch till about 2 or 3 I'm on holiday then ( times are GMT + 12) Edit: if we do it Saturday morning I can get my little brother to play too.
I think I already signed up for this when we were in game with Ivory. If you miss understood me I am available to do it. I am 9:30+ GMT EDIT: It means if someone dies you have to go back to the previous check point.
Saturday morning is probably best. If so, it'd probably have to be around 9ish for me. Which would be like midday for you. Your brother as a guest or on a separate account? Uh oh...
I think you go to the start of the level actually.. On legendary. Btw my little brother (Jefferson) has a separate account.
Gulp... That is going to be hell... It is possible, because Legendary is very easy with 4 player co-op. Everyone has to be very cautious and have very good cover.
Like amazing cover. Don't progress unless you can actually confirm all enemies are gone. Oh gawd, if it sends you to the start for any deaths, we have to be extremely careful when driving, and when dealing with guilty spark. Seems a little trivial as the acheivement is worth nothing.
No but bungie is giving the people that have all 3 challenge acievements unlocked a special present sometime in the future. I wonder what its going to be...
This makes me wonder... That achievement is extremely hard... If someone were to get all of the vidmaster challenge achievements bungie said they would be getting a prize. Now I don't want to sound like a r3C0n newb but I do believe if you get all of them the prize will be recon. Why you may ask? Bungie did say that Recon is very hard to get and that only talented people will get it. Bungie has got something in stall for us and I want to know what it is. I got that recon info from a guy over at mlgpro.com EDIT: But I highly doubt that bungie will be giving it away that easily. I wouldn't wear it, because I know that everyone will get it in the end.
No, Iron skull means if everyone in the party is dead, you go back to the beginning of the level. Best way to avoid that on most levels is move in staggered formation. 2 in front 2 a bit behind. when the two in front die, the two behind wait for them to respawn then it's their turn up front. Unfortunately, there is no end to the waves of flood on the first half of the level so that won't work, and of course once you get to the vehicles on the second half... I'm good for friday night from about 6pm NZ time. I'm hosting a Tester Guild Game night Saturday morning , I'll check back with the times for that but I'll be clear to do this afterwards.
****.... Anyway, it seems like we have 5 people interested so far, six counting Mastar's brother. If we can get two more then I won't have to worry about doing it twice. I'll host one party, who wants the other one?
No, you lag. Ivory_Snak3, Linubidix, Mastar and I will be doing our run at 1pm New Zealand time this saturday. But if any one else from around here needs an Extra person I don't mind helping out.
If people are doing it on Sunday I can probably go for it. I know people are organizing it for today, but I can't, sorry. I'm in SA. BlackOut99. Hit me up if you want to try it sometime early Sunday morning or late arvo.