Basically this is the second installment in my series, I hope you enjoy it.
I don't see a video.. but I watched it anyway. Great tutorial again, and thanks for the Rick Roll at the end
Another nice tut Bl00d. Voice wasnt as clear as last time though. The bit at the beginning was cool. As was your choice in music. Still very nice, I suggest a little background music while you're doing your thang. So that it keeps people interested. Not really loud but softly so that we can still hear you.
I would of used two elites dancing at the end. But still a good video for the starter forgers out there.
Thanks for the video, I was wondering how people got platforms so perfectly lined up with double boxes! (the fence wall part) The rick roll was funny too! Hope to see more of these, but your voice was kind of loud at times and quiet at other times.
Another great and very helpfull video by Bl00d F1R3, these are real helpful even though i already new how. i taught me new ways. This will help lots of new people.