Well, I decided to post it here. Posting it anywhere would mean I would get immature comments. This was done fully on Microsoft paint, and I would like to see your opinion on it. I'm not done with it yet, but I'd like to know if I'm doing everything right. V2
The mountains aren't very mountainy and the hand isn't realistic and I don't like the sword but teh rest of the guy and the colors are great! =)
HOly fuknuggets i dont se how in the world people can draw on computer programs using good ol hand and paper is for me...its defineatley not realistic but it dosent look amture for that...and way better than anything i could do
Everything but his hand and the mountains is EPIC FRICKEN WIN. Seriously, that is so cool. I could never do anything like that by hand.
Look at my avatar, I have drawn it with paint, too. I also have a landscape pic drawn with paint, and it took me two months and several hours per day, maybe I will post it some day. the person looks really cool, the sword a bit.... not like a sword. What is that thing on the ground the sword is stuck in??
EPIC WIN! I can't draw anything by hand. (maybe i need a better mouse lol.) Thats really good. I can't even draw people on a piece of paper let alone a comp. Nice job.
Mouse? all i have is a laptop. to be honest, im surprised ive been doing what i have been using a fricken touchpad. Although i could actually borrow a Tablet from my school if i ever wanted to do some freehand.
Our school could not afford ****ing tablets, we still use projectors from like the 60's in my highschool...
My school is actually pretty teched-up. Like, we have a robotics team and a ton of computers and a bunch of smartboards and all kinds of stuff. The Tablets are for a special program that im in. Although i will admit the overheads and TVs are fricken archaic. everything else is nicer.
Doood, check out this guy.. Pixelgod :: Online Portfolio of Raffaele Picca 2006 Alot of his stuff is done in MS paint o.0
I still have no idea how it's possible for that guy to do those in MS paint Mastar. I mean, I know he does editing in photoshop. But still, how?
I guess the same way people hand paint. It's not really hard actually, it just takes a huge amount of time.
I think he zooms in to like 400% to draw, that way it looks alot cleaner when he zooms out. EDIT: CHECK IT OUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmBsJsK2IMM
Those are incredibly well drawn, the mountains don't look that great but everything else does. Very nice job. The most complicated thing I ever drew freehand in paint was a spartan laser and a stick figure.