
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Picceta, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Best Game Types: FFA/Team Slayer
    Players: 4-10
    Description: An a-symmetrical map. Each team is given a base and there are areas around each sides to attack from. Fully tested in every game type to make it as fair and as fun possible. There are also a few easter eggs, let me know if you find them ^.^ I spent a lot of time on this map so I'll welcome any feedback.
    Author: Picceta (Me)


    ~Comment back, I hope you like it.~

  2. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Oh! I really like the looks of this one :). I'm gonna download it and give you an updated opinion later on.
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Nice job interlocking. I want to download but I can't find the link. All I see is a link to your gamertag. Where's the link to the map?
  4. pinecone2654

    pinecone2654 Ancient
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    this is the most organized chaotic map I've seen in a while, oh, and if you don't have the right link to your map, ppl will whine about it ALOT... It took me a while to figure it out, but on your fileshare, click publish to forums, and then make a link to the forum. that way, ppl won't be on you about linking to your fileshare. Don't worry, practically everybody does that on their first post...
  5. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks for the replies, I fixed the link. Although to be honest it doesn't make that much difference, both pages had a link to the map...

    Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the map. I worked hard on it, any more comments are totally welcome ^.^

  6. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    Nice post, i like the colors.
  7. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks lol.

    So anybody else given this a shot yet? Will take any tips/advice.
  8. goldman 010

    goldman 010 Ancient

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    it reminds me of like a 4 base blood gulch
  9. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    It does..? How? =/

    I don't see it lol
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    This looks great. Thanks for the good description too! This seems like one of those awesome/great to play on maps. I am downloading, I'll come back and tell you what I think. - Brute Captain
  11. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks man. Anyone else tried it? Looking for more feedback :]
  12. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    This map looks pretty good. But the weapon placement looks a bit bad. Do I see the hammer right next to rockets?
  13. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks and there are no rockets on the map. I spent a lot of time trying to balance weapons out. Might be a few too many weapons, but they have the right respawn times, and best placements I could think of to make it a fair balanced game.
  14. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Oh, but if those aren't rockets, what is the thing in the middle of the map between the bases? Looks like some power weapon... Anyway, if it isn't, this looks like it was executed very well.
  15. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks and it's a flamethrower, may sound like a bit much but you really gotta use it right with the map to get a good advantage with it. Also some power weapons have been limited on ammo to make it more fair.
  16. PippySaid

    PippySaid Ancient
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    I really like this map, it's pretty funky fresh :]
  17. kidmonkey148

    kidmonkey148 Ancient
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    I love everything about the map, except that 1) you can get out, 2) you placed weapons outside of the map..
  18. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    I flew through your map in forge, I have a few questions. First, Why put the Gravity Hammer in such an easy place to get it, I classify the Hammer with the sword, and I wouldn't think you'd just put it out there like that, so easy to get at.. Those sort of weapons should pose some sort of challenge to get.

    Second Question, Why have three mongooses under the map? What purpose do they serve?

    And finally my third question, Why say there isn't a rocket launcher on this map when there clearly is.. If you drop underneath the map, and run through the left base, down the hall and into the right base, there is a room FILLED with weapons, I mean.. Rocket Launcher, 2 Sniper Rifles, a mauler and a few other weapons, Not to mention the Chopper that is over there as well.

    Now I don't know if you did this just because you had money to spend, But to me.. if that is the reason, You didn't use your budget wisely, But all that aside.. I thought the Map was pretty good.. had a lot of fun on it.
  19. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    When I first saw this map I was exstatic and I had to download it immediately, but now that I've tested it out I'm actually quite disappointed. I thought the map was going to be larger than it actually is. But on the upside you've done a good job forging it.

    Aesthetic / Functionality
    One thing is for sure, you know about Interlocking :D so there's no need for me to bring that up. Personally I think that you've done a good job forging it but there really isn't much to this map. There's basically two bases, a courtyard and that's about it.
    Why have you placed the bases so close to each other? There's no cover at all between them except for the walls on each of the bases. I, however, really like the small "fences" that you've made on the bottom floor of both bases and the fact that the map looks so "pretty". It's quite aesthetically pleasing.

    I can't seem to find any startingpoints for Slayer, did you place any at all? I find it best to place several startingpoints to get full control over where players are gonna spawn at the start of the game.
    And on small maps like this you should try to have many spawnpoints and make use of spawnareas. Spawnareas are used to spawn players on the safest spawnpoint inside that area. To get a good spawnsystem going alot of forgers break up the map in several areas to make sure that a respawned player spawns in a safe location. And if you use spawnareas you are limiting the risk that a player spawns outside your blocked of map on one of the emergency spawns.

    Weapons / Equipment
    When it comes to the weapons I actually think you've done quite a good job, the only thing that I think is Really overpowering and therefore out of place is the turret. The turret can turn and shoot all over the map making it an unfair advantage for the team that has that base as their homebase. But I have to keep in mind that you've made this map asymmetrical. I like the fact that you've added Covenant Death Scooters to the map, they feel adequate and right at home :).

    Good work and Happy Forging!

    Peace // gorebound
  20. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks for all the comments guys ^.^

    The Answers To Your Q's

    Mongooses - Easter Eggs To Getting Outside The Map
    Weapons Outside Map - My budget glitch messed up, and if i delete them, i'll never be able to make them again, so i left them there incase i ever want to change the weapons around, but theyre not meant for using in actual gameplay, just when youre fooling with the map.
    Map Is Small - I used every wall, every box, everything I could to make it as big as possible, although the original plan was to have the bases farther apart, but there just wasn't enough items to use.
    There Should Be More Cover - My original thoughts exactly, however when there was, it actually played a lot worse, it got in the way mostly, if you want cover, then stick to the bases or the trucks. Think of Snowbound, not much cover there apart from bases either.
    The Turret - Think of it like the Ascension turret, it can be taken down very easily, there was originally a plasma turret there but I switched them round, and I found the turret balanced a lot more then I expected it too.

    Basically the map won't let me make ANY more items unless I delete it for something else, that includes spawn points. I went to the max with this map. Thanks for all your comments, I really appreciate it.


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