Long Road Ahead

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by IM BE DUM, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. IM BE DUM

    IM BE DUM Ancient
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    Okay first of all this is one of the Hardest jumping maps it goes right up there with miles so don't go getting all frustrated if you don't make the first 3 jumps in 20 tries.

    I have made a game type for this map called Endurance without it, this map has no soul. So here is the game type: Endurance

    Long Road Ahead

    Screenshots+Walk through,

    Ah the beginning so... innocent. A fairly hard jump

    Now this jump is tricky you crouch walk toward the center of the door and lunge at the open box and crouch before you land. It takes a bit of practice.

    This jump is a fairly simple one just crouch at the tip of the box and jump at the bridge. try not to hit yo head!

    As you can see it is a long way down try to jump as far as you can and you should be able to land on the doors.

    This jump is one of the hardest, you have to go to the left side of the 2 doors back up all the way run forward and jump right before you fall off and right before you land on the box crouch. (it Takes ALOT of practice)

    this jump is fairly simple: Run, Jump and crouch before you land you should be successful.

    I like to call this part the ladder because... i don't know it just reminds me of one. Anyways all you have to do is jump and crouch at each platform and you will make your way to the top.

    This jump is easy stay to the left of the door jump straight at the box and you should bounce right on top.

    once you have conquered the ladder the is a door that you can jump on right by where the sword usually spawns. once on the door the is a white ledge you'll notice that you can jump on. Jump On It!

    From the white ledge you will see a door jump on it but be careful it's kind of tough.

    Alright so your on the door you will see a set of stairs guess what you have to get on top by using your momentum but don't walk over stay at the peak of the stairs you will see a while straight ahead of you. Jump on it. then jump and crouch onto the bridge.

    Once you have gotten onto the stair set their is a whole bunch of mancannons on two double boxes jump on to it now hold your crouch for the whole time you are on the boxes and navigate your way through them the last mancannon is tricky and ill let you decide how you want to get past it I face the oppsite direction of the mancannon and slowly make my way around it. TAKE IT SLOW!

    This part is intimidating at first but all it takes is 3 well balanced jumps and a desire to do so just try not to over jump them.

    After that there is a grav-lift up to 2 bridges in the shape of an arrow a the tip of the bridges jump to the wall then jump onto the doublebox.

    This is a very challenging jump there is to doubleboxes facing upward toward eachother the goal is to run and jump right when your a the top of the first doublebox and land on the top of the second doublebox careful you will fall of if you go to far to the sides.

    After you've made the doubleboxes the is a fairly tough jump to a triangle shaped platform comprised of two stair sets. Once on the stairsets jump to the first wall you will notice some traffic cones on each of the walls if you walk past these cones for whatever reason you will surely die. when you are on the second wall ther is two pallets leading to a horizontal bridge jump to the bridge.
    When your on the vertical bridge you will see 2 vertical bridges jump crouch onto the left one then to another jump crouch onto the right one you will be facing a single box open jump crouch onto it but be careful you can fall through!

    once on the single box open you will see in the distance a wall jump jump with all your might and you should mak it onto the wall.

    when on the wall the is a series of walls you will see you have to jump to each one (kind of like that really hard part on miles).

    when you are at the final jump dont get to scared it not that hard just jump at the very corner of the wall and land on the corner of the final wall that is illuminated for some reason Grab da oddball and your done

    If you happen to beat this map i would love to see the video so please rate comment and download and most of all have fun!

    Created and tested by IM BE DUM.
    Gollygeeanelite likes this.
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This map is one of the best jump maps that I have ever seen. I have seen countless ones on the map Foundry but this one looks truly special because it uses all of the bottom and some of the top portion of blackout. It also looks challenging as hell. I never even got past the miles challenge and this looks one hundred times harder. That jump underneath the walkway looks really hard, oh and a 5/5 for making a great map. Okay, back to watching Heroes.
  3. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    lol this is good... nice job... looks nice good post... this seems a bit easier than the one UC GOLLUM posted but it is still really well made i would DL but im rationalizing since my bro has MEH xbox but this looks nice i will bookmark for later... 4/5
  4. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    this map is a pretty good jumping map but there are differences between a map like this and a map like hone your jump. it just looks like a bunch of random jumps eventhough it is probobly very well thought out.
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Sounds very fun, and dificult! Im glad you made this on blackout, instead of foundry.
    But when you die I would try to find a way so that everytime you land on a platform you respawn a checkpoint. Without this it could get very boring.

    Nice Map
  6. QuestionSleep

    QuestionSleep Ancient
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    Yes! I love These Types Of MAps :D
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Nice map. This reminds me of "The flaming ninja challenge that someone else made. You're right, this really does look like the hardest jump map! The merging is great. It also looks like a fun map to play around in with your friends. Nice job and I hope to finish it!
  8. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Once I'm in a good mood I'll download. It looks so challenging that I'l probably be crying after a few minutes! This deffinately looksharder than Flaming Ninjas. Its the only jump map I've beaten lol
  9. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    You're right--it is harder.. I never intended the Flaming Ninja Challenge to be difficult/frustrating :). Of course, it wasn't a jump map, it was an obstacle course.

    I really, really like the fact that IM BE DUM used Blackout for his map. I think it has tons of potential for people to forge in, if they'd step away from Foundry. I especially like the portion that's in and around the support beams beneath Blackout :).

    But this map... it's difficult... it's frustrating... and I loaded it in Forge so I could fly back up when I fell. I don't know if people dig that sort of thing. If IM BE DUM just wanted to make a map as difficult as possible, I think he was successful.

    If I was going to make a map as difficult as this, I would probably put unlockable checkpoints. As it is, I can't see someone making it through in one go. I wonder if IM BE DUM actually has himself?

    And I don't understand why it was necessary to put some platforms partially in the instant death zone. That felt kind of sloppy.
  10. IM BE DUM

    IM BE DUM Ancient
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    The Reason I did not incorporate checkpoints into this map is to make it more of a challenge. And if you would think it would make the map better if there was checkpoints then just go into forge. and yes I have beaten this map. (took a while though)
  11. outlaw620

    outlaw620 Ancient
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    This is one of the best jumping map I've ever played 5/5.
  12. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    ok, this map is horrible. there is a difference between challenging and just no fun at all. this is no fun at all.
  13. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    this is like hone your jump except on blackout and more challenging
  14. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    I don't really think that the no checkpoint system would work. What is the point of going all the way to the last few obstacles only to find out you have to back to the start again? It can really piss people off sometimes including me.
  15. BHS12Price

    BHS12Price Ancient
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    Ehh, sorry for pretty much bringing this thread back from the depths but I just finished this map after like... 2 months. 100% no doubt, a 5/5. This map is exactly what I like to see in a jump map. It's hard but not so hard that I get too mad there is no checkpoint system. It isn't too long that you get bored on the way to a jump you'll never make, it's perfect.

    My friends an I began playing this, an spent a few hours never getting into that first box, and we slowly progressed after that. This has been so much fun to play, so you really need to make another, as I'm sure you already are.

    Lastly, if you want to see me beat it it is here. I did use a jump on the last 3 walls where you jump on top of the level then onto a different wall, skipping one of them. Anyway I really enjoyed your map, and please, PLEASE make another one like it.


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