Name the most embarrassing moments of your lives here, guys. Since this thread is in General Chat, please thoroughly write out the adventure that was your embarrassing moment, taking care to use the utmost perfect grammar you all can preform. Feel free to post a more than one if you'd like to share with the community, and it also helps a great deal if they're funny, also. Remember, this thread is for laughs, not for mocking and flaming others of their past. I'll start us off with something humorous; Back when I was in the... 6th grade as I remember it, I was doing my thing. You know; surfing online, doing homework, the usual after - school activities. Now, while on my computer I sit on a swivel chair with (cheap) plastic wheels on top of a thick intricate carpet, for both comfort and general accessibility. My parents had left for the night for a very long drive to see their friend in the hospital, and would be arriving home around 9 that evening. I'm not sure how exactly it happened, but I moved backwards on the chair to get up to leave and my foot somehow got in the way... my big toe specifically. Said toe had gotten stuck between the space that divided two parts of the wheel apart, and it hurt like a *****. I immediately tried to free myself from the chair, but I was stuck at such an awkward position that I couldn't bend/lean over to the bottom area of the chair - I was stuck. I yelled for some of my siblings to come down and help free me, but they were both too afraid and thought it was too hilarious to do so; instead, they decided to call our parents, whom were - as previously said - occupied at the time. They ended up having to trek down another very long time back to our house to come help free me, and were not very happy at all. At this point, I was in tears - My parents were pissed, my toe felt as if it were breaking off, and my siblings weren't doing anything but laughing at me. My parents finally made it home, both confused and angry for all the wasted time spent. My dad came into the room with a hammer, and proceeded to work on the wheel. Turns out, all I had to do was twist my foot back to the original position it was in and I would've been freed... go figure, huh? I got so much **** from people at school and at home, it was awful. Ha ha. How about you guys?
^ I feel sorry for you. Um lets see Im a clutz also, basically when I went to work at like 14 I spilled ravioli on my pants I tried to seem mature since I was working with mature people but Ya I failed.
Me? Well my story is a sad one. I was usually went to sleep, and it was on a weekend. I was five-six, and I slept in. I woke up in bed to find family giggling at me. So I kept on walking and went into the kitchen, and there was this horrid smell coming from the trash can. I asked what smelled so bad, and the answer I got was me. Then they told me the story. I was sleep walking, and I had to use the bathroom. From my family's perspective I had got up from bed, walked towards the kitchen, waved hi to my family, and went to the trash can. I lifted it up like a toilet seat, and went. This happened not once, but twice. I went in the trash can, and hamper. I was made fun of by my family for years.
When I was 10 I accidentally dove into a beer dive at a country club and didn't realize that it was beer till I grabbed one. It was embarrassing at the time, but now I don't care.
LOL last week I was going to make this thread, because something really embaressing happened. I went out to my car to get lunch and got through my sandwhich. Since I wanted to go back inside and talk with my friends I unlocked the door manually and the car alarm went off. So the alarm caused me to panic and I couldn't find the keys. I hopped out of my car so could look through my pockets better. However due to the ammount of panic the alarm caused I slammed the door and it locked itself. Then I look into the window, and saw my keys on my seat. I got really pissed off kicked my tire with my new jordans, and then had to find someone to come unlock my car for me. The guy came like a half hour after school and all he did was stick a metal wire through my window costing me like 65 dollars. So yea that might not be my most embarresing one ever, but its the most recent. It felt like it shoulda been in Superbad. I could just see seth sitting there, listening to some rap song and then doing that and like slamming the door in slow motion.
When I was eight and in the fourth grade we had a carnival inside the gym with a bouncy house, a slide, and all that other crap. But when I was about to go down the slide, I thought that I would go faster if I had my gym shorts on. So I pulled down my gym pants and all I had was underwear underneath my pants. But it was most embarrassing when the hottest teacher in the school came by right when I did that, and she started laughing. It was really embarrassing.
I was taking a test in fourth grade. Every now and then a pencil would be heard scribbling an answer. The teacher scanned the room with much eagerness. The children knew what she was looking for, cheaters! Most importantly if she caught you she'd make you cry. Gas began to churn. My insides twisted and contorted. I clenched my cheeks together refusing to let the monster out. Silence entered the room. The air was clean and crisp. My cheeks could no longer hold this wretched beast in. A low pitched duck sound bounced off of the walls. The children all stood up and began giggling. "Who was it? Who was it?" one student proclaimed. Finger pointed to me and said " It was him"
that really stinks. i cant think of my most embarrassing right now. but i embarrass myself like every day, but i really dont care. im super clumsyyyyyy
Hey, yeah. Good idea. Lets just post in a thread about embarrassing moments without actually posting anything that's embarrassing.
one of the most embarrasing moments of my life was when my church wanted me to join the chorus, and my mom made me (this was when i was in 7th grade). then at the first meeting they wanted us to sing our favorite song. so since being the bold person i am, i sang i think it was duality by slipknot, something along those lines. they were all freaked out, and the next meeting they were like you dont need to come back. so that was pretty embarasing. also my voice cracks all the time and yesterday my voice cracked while i was presenting a project worth half of my grade.
ooohh i got one from today so i dont have the nicest car and it dies like almost everyday that i drive to school, but only when i drive for some reason. so theres this light by the school where its always really busy and so theres 2 rows of lights each way. and we have to turn left to get to the road that leads to the parking lot. and i was about to turn left under the two lights. i was right between them and my car stalls. so im stuck in the middle of a bunch of traffic and my car died. it took a few minutes to get it back on, but i couldnt turn the lights on or it owuld die. but there was a ton of people just staring at me and then i accidently cut some guy off when i got it on and running. i love my car..
except i actually posted an embaressing moment before that. you havent done anything except make fun of that one girl.
Sitting down in the locker room at my school in my boxers (I was changing for soccer) and some of the other players just start cracking up. I didn't know what it was that was so funny and then I look down and my **** was just hanging out of boxer's pant leg Was a little embarrasing, lol.
i was running in pe and talking at the same time and there was this huge pile of everyone's backpacks and i paniced, itried avoiding them ( i did good at first) jumping over them but there were alot of people around me so after busting some ninja moves i finally tripped over one of em and fell on my face :[ that was 5 or 6 years ago in 7th grade lol