This thread is for discussion of this weeks SOTW only. This is to avoid the large amount of off topic discussion which has been appearing in the entry threads. This thread will be deleted once the voting thread is created. This does not mean spam is allowed here however, we are not the off topic section and the forum rules still apply. Discuss each others entries, future themes, new ideas for the contest, etc. Exchanging critcism on each others entries is allowed, however this is a casual contest so try not to be harsh or unkind.
blegh! I hate this week's stock....dont want to enter in this one... srry maybe a better theme next week?
why would you need to? you should learn how to work with stock images....its actually a lot easier, while alot more advanced with what your options are what you can do with the stock!
Mostly because I don't like using stocks, looks like i'm going to have to read through another boring ass tut...
I think that the next week's theme should by city. It has to have some sort of city scape in it or something. The stock automatically needs to be gaussian blurred at 3 px or so and then overlayed, as it is sort of bad quality.
If we did history I would like to make a bet that 50% of you guys would make a signature on Halo1, geez.