Edit: this is getting too hard 4 me too judge i will post a poll here for a vote.... dont make this a pop. contest... it is simply for my sig. im not giving u rights to the future... only to see which one ppl think is best... i will say thx to (insert winner here) in my sig... Okay i search around renders and stuff a lot tho i have no editing programs... and haven't bothered to DL GIMP yet but am considering it.... My chalenge to you is to simple use the render i have provided below and make w/e you see fit to it... i have no other requirements... other then putting Boyle06 in their somewhere... So with no further ADO Here is the Request.... 1. Use the Render Provided Here 2. Include my GT: Boyle06 somewhere in the sig... 3. Please do not include the baseball by his foot... 4. Be creative w/e u can do Everyone who participates will get +rep i will post current sigs here: (n please dont let these stop u from creating your own) I will leave this up for about a week or however long it takes till it dies.... i have seen things like this work B4 so hopefully i will get a couple of submissions... n if u like wat ppl have done n u want to give +rep i will TIP may hat to you Winner:
Teerav, im fairly sure that hes looking for a sig for himself, why else would he want his GT in there somewhere?
yes this is just a request i guess sorry for the missunderstanding renamed to prevent further complications... Boyle06
well, now that that has been clarified, i guess ill give it a shot. so, do you have any specifications besides that specific render and your GT? Like, any colors or a specific C4D? A theme maybe? Certain font?
NOPE this is stricktely limited by ur imagination (and the restrickens listed above in the 4. number implacations of this request (very fast quite end of commercial drowned out by music voice)) lol
well u saw the one i made for u when u requested it from my shop...but alot of people obviously didnt see it so here it is again.
looks really good Lord... nice job i am liking the effects this is getting hard... not to mention i no of another enter that is coming soon that is also very good im glad this has been getting attention keep them coming i will prob open the thread for voting on like Fri. or Sat. or Sun. n i will prob start a new thread... could some1 PM on how to post a poll lol i no im an idiot i couldnt figure it out n i wanted one for Redemption VVVV too lol oh well but ya PM me
Why don't u make ur own sigs? I've made like 3 for u and have seen a bunch of others... It's about time u learn some GFX... =)
i no im seriously considering DL GIMP tho im not sure its worth it n i just like to see what ppl can do and show off there art work... im sorry i won't ask u for nemore sigs just happens u r in every sig shop around... i would think u like to make them but im sorry if u tired of making then then simply DONT... but im considering GIMP...
I'm not tired of making them... In fact I luv making u sigs it's just that u've been here long enough to be making ur own... Also u change it so often that ur requests get spammish :/
Mines is like Draxfears. I tried to keep it as vibrant and colorful as possible to maintain that classic mario kinda feel. Plus, it macthes very well with the paint brush!