
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Novak, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Download MLG FFA

    I've always wanted to make a fast-paced arena map that not only plays well, but is also great to look at. I honestly don't like this map as much as some of my others, so I don't think it's necessary to go through and "interlock everything" like most people like to do, but even without everything looking perfect its fun to play small FFAs on.


    I started working on this map a long time ago, probably mid-May. I had 99% of the map done, which is everything you see in these pics. I thought the map sucked, but showed it to some people and everyone liked it so I decided to finish it up. All I did was throw an extra set of barriers on top of the ones that are in the bottom center of the pic above that I secured down by some receiver nodes. You can't see it in the pic, but it's really the only thing that'll be different when you download it.



    Dialated plays well with either BR or AR starts, but I personally prefer starting with BRs. I set it up for Slayer, King, and Ball. There's 4 starting points on the map, so playing with more than 4 people might not play well.


    You can see the man cannon coming out of the wall (on both sides) that will shoot you to the other side. On either sides of the cannon you can see the 'Lift Room' which is shown below.


    The Lift is just around the corner to the left, which you can use to either go up, or drop down if you want.


    I made the lift so you could go both up and down, in case you ever needed/wanted to. It looks small in the pic, but it's the perfect size.


    In this pic you can see the Mauler that hangs under the center Single Box, the only 'power weapon' on the map.


    Here you can see the teleporter in the wall that takes you to the opposite side of the map, shown in the pic below.


    The pic above shows the receiver node mentioned above, as well as the man cannon that shoots you across the map.

    Download MLG FFA
    #1 Novak, Sep 23, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
  2. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Wow the aesthetics are amazing! Picture 1 contains the coolest stuff. The interlocking, and geo merging is amazing too. I really liked all the curved interlocking walls. It is trully an amazing map. Could get featured. But what does the map reveiwer say?

    Map Reveiwer:

    You scored 100%
  3. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    Looks pretty nice i would add more starting points just in case... u never no... interlocking and such looks nice more could be sed in some areas... it looks nice and playable.... 4.5/5 this is nice i really like it, good work BRs would be fun nice map... DL when i getz a clean DLer slaught thing lol... Nice work tho...glad u posteed... make more soon
  4. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    This actually looks quite look. The tunnel with the grav lift is very original and I also like the teleporter in the wall. So you just walk in to the wall and you get teleported? If you would that would be awesome for gameplay in those tight games.

    Umm.. For the mauler in the box. Not being against you but this really seems very overused to me and there would be a lot of camping and crowded gameplay in that spot. The aesthetics looks pretty average in my opinion. The grav lift in the wall, the powerups interlocked with the boxes. Pretty standard. Really I don't really think it sucks, It just... Needs a little work.

    Some things I would do is, make something that really makes the map stand out. For example the "Ribs" on the map "Ribcage" or a "Death Pit" on a map like "Vertebraille". I don't know. Something that makes it stand out. Other than that, the map looks pretty good. I really like the teleporter in the wall and the grav lift are really things that are really well forge. So overall, good job and I really the design and thought of the map.
  5. m3zz8519

    m3zz8519 Ancient
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    This looks quite original i have to say. It has the walls that look like stairs and the tunnel is cool. Also i like the teleporter in the wall but how are people going to know that there is a teleporter? 4/5 interlocking
    4/5 creativity
    4/5 funness
    4/5 overall

  6. MXG Frost

    MXG Frost Ancient
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    This map looks AMAZING, and the title of the map serves it well, but Im confused about what gametypes it supports, 8/10
  7. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    You can download the MLG FFA gametype, but it also plays with default slayer, oddball, and KoTH
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Hate to bump in general, but I think this map deserves some extra attention.

    I played it tonight, and enjoyed myself thoroughly. Really well made and thought out, flow seemed very well done, as a proper MLG map should be. If your in the mood for a little FFA with MLG settings, this is a great one, try it out.

    @NovaK, would you like me to move this to the MLG section?
  9. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Wow, I have to say that this is a great looking MLG map. I'm surprised it didn't get many responses, because the way you built it looks amazing. I can't wait to download and play this.
  10. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    Sweet map 4/5 I'd DL but xbox is broke
  11. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    The thing is, I budget glitched it, so I didn't really think I should post it there. If you want though, go ahead and move it, that's fine with me.

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