My TGIF ran from 7pm EST to about 2am EST. Here are some of the best moments. Enjoy! I've also taken the liberty of leaving a link for all non-featured maps I played, including mine [MEDIA][/MEDIA] CASUAL GAMES Tremors on Tremor Valley Tone: Stylish " So pretty, yet so deadly." Cosmic's Secret Project Tone: Laser Spree "Leap frog your face!!" Racetracks on Whiplash Tone: DAS BOOT "Whip it, whip it good." Forgehub Link to Whiplash Peasant Hunt on Forgotten Crypt Tone: No room for mistakes "First game on the Night. Welcome to the Forgotten Crypt." Forgehub Link to Forgotten Crypt Cat N Mouse on Satellite Mice Tone: Close Calls Galore "I decide to stretch my legs a little bit while the cats are busy." Forgehub Link to Satellite Mice TEAM GAMES Team Raver on Sapphire Tone: Multicolored Goodness "Player was no available for commenting. We are still pealing him off the wall." Conquest V3 on Cellars Tone: Goretacular "I'd hate to be the janitor on duty today" Conquest V3 on Traction Tone: Conquesty? "I am so getting out here-VV" Forgehub Link to Traction JENGA'S BEFORE & AFTER BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER Shenanigans "This guy got some serious Jenga Skills." "Preparing for the Group Photo." "Is Vicious Vice Really Spider-Man?" PLAY OF THE NIGHT "Some players have the Mongoose Mowdown Achievment. Vorpal Saint takes it to another level and gets it in Jenga, making it my play of the night." GROUP PHOTO "These are only the people who could survive the entirety of my TGIF, and people who joined just in time for the group picture."
A lot of random things happended in this TGIF, Vorpal showed his class by plowing down a person. I don't trust the guy in the back of the Group photo with the hammer In Sateliite Mice, I was the close call king, untill I got run over by the Wairth that was doing a wheelie. Still can't believe I got Ninja-d in Jenga, sorry I couldn't stay for the group pic Vice Awesome TGIF was Awesome.
Yes! This was as best as it gets. Lawlz, Vicious Vice's party rocks. That mongoose mowdown was beastly. Was really fun, and can't wait for next time. I almost wish I stayed for the rest of it, but the things that went on in real life where a bit better.
I was in your party for four games! Woo hoo! I had testing, but at least I had fun while I was in! Oh yeah, and I figured out how to "mount" weapons on walls by downloading Traction... (I think that's what it's called) your Conquest map!
This was my favourite TGIF. Possibly because there wasn't heaps of party jumping. I lol'd when I joined your game and you guys were about to start up Peasant Hunt when I'd just finished it.
oooooohhhhhhhhhh i didnt get to play it not fair., thats ok i was on an awesome vacation so that makes up for it but i'll sure be at the next TGIF
I Can't wait till my xbox gets fixed so i can play in the tgif with everyone else i have just one question can anyone be in tgif fridays or is it just for certain ppl?
Oh that night was epic. Sorry I couldnt stay for the group picture, I had somewhere I had to be in the morning. See ya in two weeks! Cheers! Desert Rat 852
That night was so fun, like 8 hours of straight games. I am the one in the EVA. Viscious you still didn't put the pick of the overkill in one hammer swing on Forgotten Crypt, I sent you the clip. That was me lol! That was funny in SatelliteMiceV3, Do a barrel roll! I remember you were barely hanging on to the radio antaena(spelled wrong I bet...)
this is why i wish it could be liek tgis so that i dont have a football game instead of this. But when football season ends, tgif is fine.
Hehe I was there, but my dog started throwing up when we were playing the first FFA map. I forget what it was called... But yeah, I wasn't able to join for the rest of the game. Great fun though! (Do a barrel roll!) Pheasant Hunt was awesome, I took a video of you not allowing the zombie to kill you.
Nice and random, the map selection looks good. Was this from one party or from many because there is a lot of maps with a lot of different types of games. The video was pretty funny all though that never happens to me in the safe hallway.