It looks and sounds cool, because its free, but is it really worth getting. Is it just another PhotoShop knockoff that will be hard to learn and hard to work with? Is it worth the space and effort that you need to learn a program like this and if it is where can you get help?
It takes practice yes, but after about a month, you will understand the program backwards and forwards So yes, you should get it.
It's definetly not worth it! A free, decently working copy of photoshop is definetly not what a not rich GFX Artist wants! /Sarcasm. Yes definetly!!! It's not a huge file and works well... I find it harder than PS but I'm used to PS so w/e. Anyways yeah get teh Gimp. =)
It's alright, the only good reason too get it is because it's free, for the first couple of weeks you will only be trying to duplicate tutorials.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Teh GIMP is teh sux0rz.. lol, GIMP is okay... i dont use it because im used to photoshop... so if you can find it i would get photoshop
Ummm DUH!!! 1. Its Free 2. It is easy to use 3. ITS FREE 4.It suits all the needs that photoshop can give you and in my perspective, a little bit better. Yes!! Definetly get it! Sure, it is hard to learn at first but it is fun and easy after you get the hang of it. It is definetly not a Photoshop knock-off but rather a fierce Photoshop competitor. It has many of the same features although a little more, erm whats the term.... "encoded" maybe as in the words are a bit more confusing. If you just play around with it you will learn the tools and effects very easily.
Unless you want to take the illegal or expensive path, download GIMP or PAINT.NET. That is of course, if you want to GFX. is incredibly easy to use, thats how i started. Now i have photoshop, but PDN gives you alot of skills and there is alot of suport from people (in the form of DLLs and/or extensions) Ive never used GIMP, but if you do decide to use PM me and i can help you if you ever need it.
Thats what she said Well you may as well get it .. If you don't like it just uninstall it =] I'm use GIMP but getting Photoshop soon =]
I'm starting to know u did... Also did anyone else just realize the Ranks are the metagame achievments for halo?
Thats not true .. I thought photoshop has a few extra effects because when i find photoshop tuts theres something which isn't on GIMP ..
This is true. Photoshop has many filters such as Vanishing points and it also does the ones GIMP does but in more detail.