Hey huys i just thought of the most original and challenging contests ever in the history of G&A contests! In this contest you must make a sig using ONLY a screenshot from halo. Ill list some rules to clarify. THIS THREAD IS ONLY FOR ENTRYS, PM ME WITH COMMENTS/QUESTIONS! Rules: (more may be added later) 1. Only editing program allowed is MS paint. 2. The only things allowed to be done in paint are: text, size adjustments, and cropping the screenshot to focus on a certain area. 3.You MUST follow the layout for the submission form. Submission Form: Spoiler Sig: Bnet Link: FX Methodif you want it to be a secret from other participants pm me) *NOTE: FX Method means what method did you use to creat that effect ex. flare and FX gloomy EXAMPLE: if you still dont understand what i mean, here is an example i made: all effects were done in halo. once again, only use this thread for entrys, pm me with any comments/questions.
what i meant was what did you do to create that effect.for example you tossed a flare while you had gloomy FX on and then put the camera slighty into the flare's light.
Ur a fool. Post this in the screenshot forum. This does not involve GFXing, only screenshot skill. This is in reality a screenshot contest. Move please.
Yeah... If it was a manip contest that would be different but this is NOT G & A appropriate. MODS PLZ MOVE. =)
I agree with terrax on this one sure it dose invole i guess putting it to sig size and adding text but its basically takin screenshot wich dose not belong here (just like the UCnCT dose not belong here )