sand box is a forge map! don't now if this has been posted here at forgehub but one guy at discovered that the skull achivement on sand box has a monitor in the background so that must mean that it's a forge map! link to : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Still doesn't mean anything mate. They could have just put it there cause they ran out of other Halo affiliated images.
i doubt that. with all honesty, if the skull had some kind of effect then that would ruin the gameplay, unless you were able to turn the ability on or off
The fact that it is called sandbox and the skull has a picture of a monitor on it definitely means that it is a forge map of some sort, probably outdoors.
sandboxes in video games are ussally and indefininte place for creating stuff probably the new map creator.
agreed there might be a SP game engine introduced which would be awesome .... like CE expect with halo 3!
Bungie has made it clear that there will be no replacement for Forge. Forge will continue as is, but they have made it somewhat clear there will be another foundry-type map
there is a fire-like symbol for assembly. There is no fire on that map, moniter could also mean nothing
They could easily have been 'shopped. Not likely true. Prolly some retard on Bnet just 'shopped them to make another conspiracy theory.
lol your title is funny to me: lol that is an spelling mistake lol GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD: use "a" when the following word starts with a consonant. example: That is a mistake, good sir Use "an" when the following word starts with a vowel. example: That is an ant [/long rant about a kids not so great english skills.] you guys realise that every map is a "forge map" ? as in, you may forge on any multiplayer map? i think if people tightened up on definitions, there would be less confusion. but if you all mean that sandbox may in fact be a "sandbox" in terms of gaming creation technology, where it is a blank space where you can build what you want...i would probably say that yes, this is likely what its going to be.
ORLY? We sure hope it has even floors, no annoying cranes, and no strange discolorations. I hope Bungie doesn't screw this up.